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.. for boring you but I had to share, I'm so excited! Argyle is really coming around to us, he has been on my shoulder this afternoon, getting a head sctatch and I even got a kiss!! He had a nibble on my finger (whilst I was giving him his scratch but I asked him first, spoke softly and approached gradually) but it wasn't mallicious and didn't hurt at all. I'm so happy! I love by fids sooo much :-)

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Isn't it wonderful I found that with my Jeepers as long as I asked he would just about allow anything but if I didn't ask he would give me a nip I still ask and he's so cute how he says ok if I ask for a scritch he puts his foot on the side of his face and scratches with his talons like a human would do it not like a scratch of a parrot I know when he does that he will allow me to Scritch sometimes when I'm talking to him he will do that and I say do you want a scritch and he gets really animated because I understood his language aren't they just the best I just love my fids such also I'm so glad that Argle is becomeing such a good boy I just love the Macaw speices. The really are wonderful birds.

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