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A Happy Place


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I just thought I'd share my thoughts about this forum. I enjoy my (almost) daily visit to the forum as it's such a happy place to be and everyone is so nice and friendly but not least because if there is something bugging you (especially parrot related) there is usually someone to talk to about it and help out. Sometimes a parroty problem can seem too silly to contact a vet about and this forum can be reassuring. Ok there have been one or two minor spats I've had with a couple of members but I always try to diffuse an argument I feel is brewing ;) mostly though since I joined in April it has become my daily fix. Seriously if you want confrontation, a football forum is the place to be but I'm quite proud of the fact I can hold my own with a bunch of testosterone-filled rival football fans on there too :laugh:


I love you guys :kiss:

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I share your sentiments about this forum myself, I have been a member since May 2007 and I have not missed many days in coming here and offering advice even though I don't have that much knowledge about them as I am learning more every day. I have made some very good friends here, some will be friends for the rest of our lives as we stay in touch besides just here.


I think we all have had our times we maybe disagreed with someone else and had a confrontation or two but I usually prefer to handle those things privately but I can hold my own if need be.


This forum will never take the place of your avian vet but a lot of situations can be sorted out here and sometimes it is just reassurance that we are doing the right thing and that all is normal.


I love being a part of this forum, even though I may lack the knowledge that some of our other members have but the friendship is wonderful and we can have some fun along the way, what more could you ask for.

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Hey - I've got no knowledge - I don't know how he's made the first 9 months of his life (beginner's luck I suppose)!!


I've never ever joined a forum before - not because I'm shy, because clearly I'm not - but because I think people who join forums are weirdos, freaks, aliens, monsters....... and since I've met all of the aforementioned on here I am so reassured!!


Joking asides - the friends that I've made on here are invaluable - and I look forward to chatting each evening (I promise I do have a life folks, I just don't watch the soaps any more!!).


Thanks to all who've kept me amused, and for those who I rely on for my advice (you know who you are!!).



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I have enjoyed my visits to this forum without exception.I have had help and advise and also a lot of support during my mums illness and for that I am forever greatful.Also there has been a lot of fun and banter which I just love,hear is looking forward to much much more.

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