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Been a very long two weeks


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The last two weeks have been extremely long and difficult in our household. A while ago Gracie, our lovebird died and left George her mate alone. George seemed to handle the loss and was thriving with the help of Paul, my son. Paul took this untamed little bird and turned him into a shoulder/head ornament, who like giving kisses and eating dinner with us.


Unfortunately George was found dead one morning. I called the vet, wanting to know why and to protect the rest of the flock. Apparently George, and probably Gracie too, had ingested polyester fiber fill from the bed he had destroyed the bottom of. This was damage I could not see, but did find pieces of the fluff on the bottom of the cage when I returned home. George and Gracie both loved this type of nest/toy and would sleep cuddled together in it. When Grace died, she died inside it and I replaced it for George. He too passed away inside the nest. I've posted a pic on my profile of George and Grace and this particular nest/toy.


This loss has been devastating to our family, especially for my son. His experience with the birds was just beginning, but he had learned so much about patience and building trust from working with Dixie and Sterling that he put it into play with George. He built a bond and relationship with him that no one had expected or thought would happen. We do have some good news, but that will be in another post.

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I am so sorry to hear of your loss of George now too due to the same thing as Gracie, how awful for you and your family and especially for Paul but these things happen and I hope it doesn't turn him off from giving his heart to another bird.


I had no idea that the fill in those nest beds could harm our fids but we all should take this warning seriously, thanks for telling us about it Robin, you may have saved a life today.

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What a terrible thing to happen, losing two birds this way and so avoidable - if only you knew. These sort of things aren't publicised enough. Like Judy, I thank you for bringing this to our attention. Sounds like your son has a way with birds.


I'm sorry for your loss.


I'm sending you karma for making everyone on this forum aware of this danger.

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Oh Robin, I am so sorry - just think that George died of a broken heart after Gracie went.


Considering these are made for birds I think it is terrible that it could have possibly caused their demise. They're back together now though.


Anyway - who is this Tequila blue in your signature!!!! ;)

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