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First molt?


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Chimay will be 10 months old at the end of September, and I'm wondering if this is too early to be seeing signs of his first molt. We've got about 6 months worth of downie feathers along our stairs (and oh my gosh the number of downies I find in his nightcage in the morning...whew! It's a wonder he's not bald), and he's got about 5 little pinfeathers around his right ear, and about 3 or 4 on his left. It seems like they appeared out of nowhere! Poor thing has got such an itchy face and head...The last two nights since we noticed I've been taking one of my fingers and dabbing it in a bit of aloe juice and rubbing it on and around the pinfeathers near shis ear to try and help keep the pinfeathers soft and minimize his itchiness. Does this sound like the early signs of molting or normal feather loss? I've been under the impression that the first full molt typically isn't until after the first hatchday, but wanted to be sure.


Thanks everyone!

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Harvey's nine months at the end of September and I'm having the same problems! I'm at my wits end about the amount of feathers that I'm finding (and they're not just downie feathers - they're proper ones too)!


He is scratching like mad all of the time - I'm bathing him every night nearly to try and help. I can't wait until it's over!


Harvey's got a new feather right at the nape of his neck which is jet black and looks like a small paintbrush - it's driving him mad! :)

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Well, I bought some Aloe Juice a few weeks ago - tried to spray him and he went absolutely mental! I basically chased him around the house - so gave in.


I got some advice to try it when he's in his cage - but he went mental again - so I gave in.


I came home early from work today and decided I would bite the bullet and mist him in his cage again. He went mental for about five seconds, and then stopped!


The only thing is, I just felt I was wetting his feathers as he wouldn't fluff up in the way my tiel used to (just showed him the bottle and he looked like a cotton ball). I did reach in and lift his wings, so his little arm pits got a wetting - so I'm not sure how much got through to his skin.


He's still scratching, but not as many feathers are falling this evening :)

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Nice to hear about the decrease in feathers! Hopefully that aloe juice will help, and that Harvey will start accepting it.


Quick question about molting and Red Palm Oil...would it be beneficial to Chimay to have his RPO intake increased? Right now I give him about 1/4 of a teaspoon at an interval of every two and three days. I've heard that RPO helps birdies that are plucking/molting, and curious as to whether it would help to give him more each time or increase the frequency.

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Jill, Whisper went through her big, bad molt in the winter when it was so dry inside, I felt so sorry for her. She scratched and scratched all the time. I tried baths, aloe ect. The thing that helped most was a humidifier. I could really tell the difference. I know it is not winter now but air conditioned air in the summer is also very dry.


I also believe that it can be counter productive to bathe every day. Just like how our skin dries out if we wash too much. I would limit down to the skin baths to 3 times a week at the most. Just my opinion.


I would never question our member Dave but it also seemed to get better when I started giving her the Harrison's treats with the RPO. It seemed to me that the oil we intake helps our skin and hair so I thought maybe it helped hers too.


Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/09/23 22:27


Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/09/23 22:30<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/09/24 21:22

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