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help with my grey


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Hi Shahin,


Welcome to the Forum! :-)


Bekky is giving good advise.


Could you perhaps give us a little more information to work with?


Such as, does he step up, does he bite, does let you in the Cage without a fight etc.?


This will help all of us give a more specific answer.

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When does He Bite? When you try to get him to step up?


How does he look and sound before the Bite occurs?


It sounds like the trust has been lost somehow and now you need to gain it back.


Can you think of an incident that occurred that corresponds to when this behaviour started?

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Not spending the time with him like you did before is probably the key to the whole situation, they get used to the amount of time you spend with them and want you to keep it up. And two months is not that long a time to set up trust and the bond with your grey. You need to get into a routine that you can expect to keep up and give him the love he needs to get that bond set up real good.

And when he does bite, don't pull back, in fact push into the bite so he sees you are not afraid and won't back down and he will in all likelihood give it up.

Maybe if you give us some more information, we can help you better. How old is he, are you the first owner, how many other people are in the family and such and then we can maybe see how we can help you.

Welcome, Shahin, to our family and looking forward to hearing more about your grey. And pictures too, we love pictures.:)

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