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Lilo's Home


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As some of you may know Judygram took Lilo into her home. After much consideration it was decided that he might be a better fit for my household. We brought him home last night.


As soon as we brought Lilo into the house he was saying hello and asking for water. He didn't seem to mind the curious dogs or his new environment. Lilo is flighted and we knew that he didn't like his cage so we decided to try and carefully transfer him from his travel cage to his big cage without letting him out. We had just gotten home and weren't ready for him to be free yet. Let me just say that it didn't work out the way we wanted. He quickly scooted out of his travel cage and squeezed his way out and flew to my sons shoulder. He was very sweet and seemed to go to everyone in the house. After spending about an hour with him we decided it was time for Lilo to go back in his cage so we could clean up from our trip etc. Well, Lilo was not going to go in his cage on his own. If we made any kind of movement toward his cage he was off and flying. Needless to say after a frustrated hour and with lots of help from us Lilo was returned to his cage.


I know that many on this forum do not agree with clipping a birds wings. I am one of those people actually. My TAG is not clipped and I can't imagine ever having to do it. That being said, I did give Lilo a very slight clip this morning. I talked to a few people about it and after considering the stress it was causing everyone including him, we decided it was the best thing to do. He was absolutely going to hurt himself while he was frantically trying to avoid his cage with no regard for where he was flying in a new environment.


Ever since his clip we have had his cage door open. Lilo has gone in and out of his cage on his own all day. That of course is the good news. The bad news is that obviously we lost a little trust. I can't begin to explain to you how horrible that makes me feel. However I am confident that we will quickly earn that back. I am sure by the time his feathers come back in he will understand some rules and limitations and be flying once again.


I want to thank Eve and Judy for trusting me with this beautiful Grey. He is a wonderful addition to my family and I know we will bring each other much joy.


Pictures coming soon I promise.

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I think Lilo will be happy in his new home with Tracie and her fiance, he just needs a little time to settle in and with the clip being a blow to his flying ability he will get over it in time.


I know exactly how you felt when you were trying to get him back into his cage, he loved being out and is a very sociable bird. That last night he was with us he enjoyed being in the middle of what my 3 grandchildren were playing with, something that Josey doesn't care for but Lilo was curious and of course he explored.


Lilo is a beautiful grey and even though it didn't work out for us I am grateful for the time we did have, it helped me see another completely different grey personality. Its one thing to know that each one is different but it really brings it home when you see two together and how the only real commonality is their grey feathers.


I am sure Tracie is going to be rewarded with his love and trust and time and much patience will bring that about.

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Thanks to both of you for the update. It is a relief to understand that every situation and every African Grey is different. There are moments when the new arrival date for Juno is getting closer that I have terrorizing moments of wondering if I am up to the level of this bundle of energy and curiosity. It bolsters my confidence to know so many of you are out there with experience and the best interest of every bird at heart. Thanks so much for sharing.

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So sorry things didn't work out for Lilo at Judy's home but Tracie it sounds like you have things well in hand now. It is always sad when our greys/fids have to be clipped even if it is only to make adjustment easier for them. We can only do the best we can for each situation. Hopefully Lilo will be able to be fully flighted very soon. Karma to you Tracie for taking in this little ornery grey who definitely has a mind of his own! Please keep us posted on how Lilo is doing. Can't wait to see pictures of Lilo in his new forever home.

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Lilo seems to be in a much better mood this morning. He came right out of his cage this morning and played on the top. He is talking a lot today. He puts his head down and says "scratch". Though I don't scratch him. Last time I tried he struck at me. He doesn't bite but he whacks me quite hard with his beak so I figure he just isn't ready yet. It seems he has learned to feed the dogs and seems to enjoy dropping food to them.

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