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Argyle is getting better


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He still doesn't like hands but sometimes he will allow if he feels secure whilst sitting on your shoulder. Here are some pics of him sitting on Steve's shoulder, nuzzling and getting a head scratch :-)
















As you can see he is a real cutie and so sweet. When I call Beau into his cage, Argyle repeats "come on then" - so funny

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He is just so cute I just totally am head over heals with the Macaw speicies When I got Jeepers my whole attitude changed towards Macaws I was always told they could be really mean and nasty. I now think its all got to do with the owners and not the birds. I have 2 Macaws know and they are both so animated and so sweet. They will run Amuck if you don't keep on them they love to push right to the limit. They are the type of birds that need a firm but loving hand they are wonderful but definatly not for first time bird owners they need someone with a bit of experiance. I looks to me like Argle is coming along wonderfully under your care that's great that he's starting to rust hands again. I wonder what happen in his previous home to cause this in the first place.

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Thanks everyone for your kind comments. Argyle's previous owner had two small children and my guess is that this is part of the problem with Argyle and hands. I do know that he was loved and well cared for. I also think that part of the problem was having a new home with new owners and that the trust needs building up again. We have had him 3 weeks (I think) now and it has only been the last few days that I've felt that Argyle is beginning to show signs that he is more settled with us.

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