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An addition of colour......!


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It's getting colder in the evenings here in the UK, so I've been closing our conservatory doors and bringing Harvey's playstand into the living room.


So, last night, in came Harvey on his playstand. My husband had been shopping and came in with a pomegranite - something Harvey hadn't eaten before. I picked some of it out for him and put it in his bowl.


It's his new favourite! But, on closer inspection - the juice was all over my sofa, my carpet, my blinds, my conservatory doors and up the front of the TV cabinet!


I've moved him back into the conservatory this morning and just wiped down the chairs, the table, the yucca plant (as featured in my avatar) - whose idea was it that they liked pomegranite!!!!


Luckily the sofa in the sitting room are leather and so are the chairs in the conservatory - but my poor, lovely, once cream carpet!!!

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Oh Jill, I really do sympathise with you, I had the exact same experience with pomegranite - it's deadly to walls, curtains, carpets etc. After I had given Beau some, I had it on my cream walls & cutains, I had to take the curtains down & wash them and wipe down the walls. Occasionally I still see a splash I missed. Pomegranite is now reserved for special occasions only. :P

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Surely you must know that Greys are expert interior decorators.

However their style is a bit avant guard for some. If you don't have a Grey you can get a similar effect by pouring fruit purée or even paint on a rapidly spinning turntable. Or by putting a small explosive charge in the purée jar.



Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/09/20 12:26

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Get the pomegranite seeds.They are available in asda sainsburys and most uk supermarkets. I found out the hard way not to feed whole pomegranite.Charlie is ok with the the seeds .




steve they are like little fruit bombs.Its unbelievable the mess that can be made.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/09/20 12:38

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Mine just adore Pomegranate also but they aren't allowed to eat them in the house I put them outside for pomegranate so they are only allowed to have them on really nice days. I can't just deprive them so for a special treat on nice fall days they get their pomegranate then I can just hose everything down before they come back in but boy they are messy Tyco shakes her head as soon as she bites into the seed and the juice goes flying it must be the tartness or something that makes her do that.

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I am another one that did that with the pomegrnatate and it is so hard to get off. Ours was all over the wallpaper.


Another mistake I made was giving them a blueberry bush with loads of blueberries on it. It took them no time to de berry the bush and re decorate the walls blue.

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Why are the Greys the messiest eaters? My Umbie, the elanora and the Cockatiels are never as messy as my Grey girl. Wipes her beak on everything and manages to spatter food every where. It does look like a murder scene when they get a Pomegranate;) , perhaps an outdoor cage food with paper and then sell it as artwork?

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