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Is it still day??


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I have been having some small cute breakthroughs with Chikki over the past few days.. his food habits are back to good old days and the seeds are purely for training sessions..


today i trained him to turn around, which to my surprise, he learnt in about 3 minutes. i was so glad, and when i put him on his training perch again later, he did a turn to win a treat!! how sweet!! But i had to stop treating him and start adding a cue so that he doesnt do it all the time to get a treat..


another weird/funny thing that happened today.. as some of you might know Chikki has got his own room which is our conservatory.. in summer it is generally bright till about 9 pm.. and now it gets dark at about 7.. i kept the lights on for him today so that he can play around till he felt sleepy.. these days he goes into his cage when he is hungry/sleepy on his own.. but today he continued sitting on play top till about quarter to 10.. and when i tried to put him into the cage, he wasnt very willing, so i didnt force him.. he comes on his perch again.. and then i thought, may be switching off the lights will make him sleepy, and i switched it off.. almost as if it was a reaction he kind of stretched and flapped a couple of times and climbed into his cage through the rope.. and settled in quietly.. i was really amazed.. does he think the bulb to be the sun?? and does switching it off mean its night time for him!!


any similar experiences??!! i am really amazed and at times when Chikki shows me signs of brilliance!!

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That weight is well within the normal range as there are small, medium and large frame greys, Josey is around 420 to 425 grams and she is probably a medium frame grey, some are less than 400 grams and a few go up to 600 grams. What matters is that the weight not fall too much lower than their normal weight or there could be something wrong.

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