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7 1/2 Month Old Spock


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;) It doesn't seem that long,boy, has he changed...Some very interesting things are happening now, he's "pinning", he'll look at you or some object, and pin..He also perches on my finger and wants to be 4 to 5" from my face, and wants me to talk. His eyes will vary in size he'll cock his head and make a small sound after I say something. Is this "learning"? is this normal? He still doesn't talk [makes great sounds and whistles. He is eating more and a better variety of foods offered...He also appears to contemplate or meditate more and for longer periods.:) :)


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LOL...love the shot!


Spock sounds like he's coming along very nicely. This is a fun age for Greys, as they become more aware of their surroundings and really start to get their personality in full swing.


The head movement, the eyes, the murmuring and sounds - these are all great signs of an inquisitive and learning Spock!


What's his favorite object to simply look at with interest?

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