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Blue is hear again


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Blue arrived about 7.15 pm tonight.As I expected he made himself right at home. He climed into his cage and inspected his food bowl,all present and correct so Blue was quite happy to eat and then have a preen.Bernard and Jean stayed about an hour and are off to spain tomorrow.I will post some pictures tomorrow.

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Well Charlie is sitting grinding his beak so I dont think he is bothered at all.I dont let them have contact with each other just incase,but they usually call to each other. I wouuld love to see the two of them on the stand but it is not going to happen,Blue just likes to sit on top of his cage.

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I know how you feel about looking after Blue while Bernard and Jean are away - I often look after my neighbour's cats if they are going to be away for a couple of days (luckily they go in a cattery any longer than this) and I am so apprehensive. It's someone else's baby - not that you treat them any differently than Charlie (or indeed Cracker) but you are so on edge when it's someone elses.


Karma to you (because I can't fetch you a glass of wine)!!

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oh my god! I'm sitting here crying laughing! Not at the old man - but at charlie in the background - you'll not realise - but he's got a proper scouse accent! It's mint! I also loved hearing cracker making the usual cockatiel scream that gets on your nerves - until it's not there anymore - it was lovely for me to hear x


You technological whizz kid - well done for the video!

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