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Kookie in Trouble today


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Hi Guys

Just wanna share with you an incident that happened today.


Kookie broke into his plastic rattle ball and somehow got to the metal ball inside that makes the rattling noise. In no time he stuck his upper beak into it and couldnt get it off.


The more I tried to remove it, the deeper his beak went in (the small tip of his beak) and I was afraid to break it.




Finally I had to towel him which he hates. Dad got bitten twice while trying to help me and Kookie was in panick state now, trying to restle away from the towel. I was really scared I might break his neck or his beak while trying to remove it.


Finally I got a pen wth a thin tip and was able somehow to get it off.


That was scary, and Kookie was disturbed that he sat silently on his tree refusing to talk or to eat.


Now, an hour later, Sweet Kookie is on his tree like nothing ever happened, talking and dancing and asking for head scratches. His beak has a little scratch mark but hes back to his usual fun state.


Take care guys with such rattle balls as our greys always find ways to get themselves in trouble...sweet creatures...


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Well at least he could ring the bell easily enough:laugh: they do get themselves into the darndest messes sometimes. Josey likes to play with those types of balls and I have to be careful of her getting the bell inside and now we have a graphic photo of the result.


Kookie did good to be back to himself in an hour, I imagine it rattled him more when you were trying to remove it rather than actually having it on there in the first place.


Thanks for sharing the pictures, they are worth a thousand words and karma for the quick action in removing it.

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You ar right Judy, Kookie was not disturbed by the rattle it self, he was happy wih the noise it makes everytime he moves his beak, he actually tried to preen himself with it on... but I was afraid it migt brake off the tip of his beak or even worse injure his tongue or if he swallows the small rattle inside...

As you said greys always manage to make a mess and thats why we lovethem more.



{Nature-00020095}{Nature-00020095}<br><br>Post edited by: ranaz, at: 2009/09/18 18:01

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The same thing happened to one of my greys a while ago, my husband gave him the ball while I was at work and Charlie got the bell stuck in the same place.


I also posted a warning about these balls, they really are not safe for our greys.


Im so pleased you managed to get the bell off Kookie!

Charlie was left with a small scratch as well but nothing more.


I hope Kookie is ok:)

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