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Full of Surprises...


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So after just posting on the forum this week about how I've never seen Yoshi just hang upside down, that she is probably still too clumsy for that... yesterday afternoon I come home, rush to open her cage up and give her a cuddle, come into her room and see her just dangling from the very top of her cage, and she stares at me and squawks a couple times before scuttling across the top and side back down to one of her closest perches... It was like she was saying "See Mommy, I CAN do it, I'm not too clumsy!" Then as I reach in and she steps up she falls off and hits the ground... jumping right back up and looking expectantly at me to pick her up... like it never happened and she isn't clumsy at all :P I gave her some sunflower seeds for the effort :P


Also, while Yoshi usually plays on her playstand totally happy while my husband and I eat and watch TV, she made a leap of faith onto the edge of the couch, fell in between a pillow face down, and then scuttled back out and ran up into my lap... all that effort for some scratches and cuddling... and some of my broccoli and cheese too! She hasn't been that much into cuddling with me lately so it was a nice change!


She surprises me sometimes... I love her so much :) We went out yesterday and bought two more long intricate wooden perches so we can put stuff higher up in her cage now, I think she is ready :P Also found her a small swing and another destructable toy... can't help but get things for our baby :) This weekend I'll be rearranging her huge cage and I'm actually pretty excited :P Also soon we shall be getting new furnature for the room (new desks) and I'm glad because I want to keep her used to change, as I'm in the military and might move with her or have someone else take care of her if I'm gone a couple weeks doing training or something.


Sorry for rambling... but I can't help but talk about Yoshi :) She has 'I wanna kiss' down as far as training, and does it almost every time you ask her to now. Still no words, but time will tell :)

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They certainly are full of surprises almost everyday at that age. Yoshi is very brave and learning her limits as she tries and succeeds, then tries and fails.


They do love the praise. I swear you can almost see them smile. :-)


Thanks for sharing all this about Yoshi!!

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If she is saying "I wanna kiss" already then more is sure to come, you just wait, it will pour out soon, just be careful of what you say if you don't want it repeated.


Some of the member's greys are very acrobatic but most do love to hang upside down to play, Josey does especially when she wants to bang that bell of hers.

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