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I noticed today that Squonk's crop was sticking out, is this normal, he seems to be eating well, today, seeds, fruit and sweet potato mash, his crop was swollen before the sweet potato mash. I can also feel his breast bone prominenetly so am concerned he may be too thin. What can I give him to help him put on weight and should his crop look like that/ He loves to fly around the house now and he and I are in love, we cuddle as often as we can, all in all he seems a very happy little boy! :kiss:

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First you should go to a vet and have the crop and keel bone examined. Then ask the vet to give you an idea whether the bird is a small, medium or large sized bird. He'll then tell you the approx weight the bird should be by giving certain foods. As far as the crop goes,it's probably not as obvious as it was 5 hrs ago because all the food in the crop has been swallowed.

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