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Isaac is renamed Elmo

Guest Monique

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Guest Monique

I have renamed my bird Isaac to Elmo. He was named after Sir Isaac Newton. However he far to lovey dovey to be an Isaac. He is also not very smart. I mean he's smart but for instance, I lost a bolt to his food dish door (fell off the cage). It's been off of the cage for an entire week and he has not tried to open it. Ever. So I guess what I am trying to say is he's gullible. I told him he cannot get out of his cage and so he doesn't try.


Not sure if I am crazy or what renaming him after he's been home for several months already .. but he is definitely an Elmo! :)

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Hi Monique,


It is possible, that he is more intelligent than you give him credit for :-)


He may be so brilliant, that he knows he is toast if he goes out that door...he is wise to YOUR game and is not falling for the old - Leave the door open and when they try to get out, shoot them for trying to escape" :-)


Who Say's Isaac Newton wasn't affectionate? Why miss out on good lovin ;)

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Guest Lidia

danmcq wrote:

He may be so brilliant, that he knows he is toast if he goes out that door...he is wise to YOUR game and is not falling for the old - Leave the door open and when they try to get out, shoot them for trying to escape" :-)


Yeah! I think Dan's got a point there! Anyway, Elmo is a cute name for a parrot. It's very hard to name them, you don't really know for months what they're like. It sounds like Elmo is a good choice.

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