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new toy


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hi ya guys i got a new toy for my african gery today but for some strange reason hes breaking all the wood off it and putting it in little bits there like suares with holes throught them and the a rope goes throught it

is this dangerous for him as the little bits hes breaking off

or is this normal what they do

im not bothered about the toy i just dont want to keep it in there if its no good for him

speak soon thanks

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Why dont you post a pictue of the toy

Is the wood bird safe?

Greys normally shred wood and thats what toys are ther for, so they wouldnt shred your furniture. Any toy will not last more than a couple of weeks with Kookie... He destroys all...


Just make sure the wood is safe and the coloring


I would always wash it well first. You can use vinegar with water to wash


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