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new toy


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hi ya guys i got a new toy for my african gery today but for some strange reason hes breaking all the wood off it and putting it in little bits there like suares with holes throught them and the a rope goes throught it

is this dangerous for him as the little bits hes breaking off

or is this normal what they do

im not bothered about the toy i just dont want to keep it in there if its no good for him

speak soon thanks

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Yeah....that's a Grey.


It's perfectly normal for our Greys to totally destroy a toy. In fact, it's the usual activity.


I wouldn't be concerned about any wood pieces left from my bird chewing. That said, if you think the pieces may be dangerous, do what you need to do to keep your bird safe.


I must say, I'm impressed that your bird took to the toy so quickly - they are usually pretty shy about new stuff.

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tyrell wrote:

hi ya guys i got a new toy for my african gery today but for some strange reason hes breaking all the wood off it and putting it in little bits there like suares with holes throught them and the a rope goes throught it


I really had to laugh when I read this, oh my! My bird is tearing up his toys:laugh: thats what they are supposed to do, keeps them busy and occupied and they stay out of trouble that way.


Thanks for giving me a laugh today.

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I have a wood toy that is like a cage with nuts inside. My grey hasn't touched it. In fact, I stuck it in (mil took the chain off for some reason) front corner of his cage and it's scooted to the back corner where he doesn't go...


But yea, I worry about those little pieces too. My theory is if I worry about it, take it out. :)

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