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New To The Forum!!!

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Hey there

welcome to the board. Saw your photo. Beautiful severe. Lots of people here with other birds besides greys. Right now, there's no one in the IM area but I'm sure you're gonna get a lot of welcomwes. Have fun joining all the chatter that goes on in all the sections here. Nice to have you as a member.

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Welcome to the forum, this is a friendly, helpful group. Wow! It looks like you have your hands full of birds... and now Lulu will have to take her position on top of your head. Just kidding of course. Good luck bringing her into your flock. I hope all three become good friends and good company for you and for one another.

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Hello Kyddvicous and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you, Techno, Lulu and Syd.


Congrats on taking in this rescue grey, Lulu, we have many knowledgeable members who will be able to give you some good tips and to answer your questions.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them and ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have some of your flock you would share with us we would be most grateful.

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Hi Kyddvicous13 - bah - what's your real name - I can't keep typing that!!


Welcome to the forum - you will find everyone very friendly and helpful.


All these guys are so knowledgeable and helpful - I'm useless and just part of the entertainment's committee!! :laugh:


I too would love to see some photos xx

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