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Macey died last night :(


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I'm SO sorry to hear of your loss. If you have not already read Dave007's thread entitled "Lost a bird? I just got a message", please be sure to do so.


I went through this experience when my 12-year-old budgie died 6 weeks after the birth of my daughter. He was my baby before she was, and it took a WHILE for me to come to terms with it. As katana said: you did everything you could for her. Now you need to do for YOU - take time to mourn and to heal, and know that her spirit is probably right alongside as you do. God bless.

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I am so sorry for your loss, its devastating , and Ive been through it before...try to know the reason of the death, especially that she got better then she died. My first grey had similar sypmtoms and died. It was beak and feather disease.

God Bless her soul

{Nature-00020095}{Nature-00020095}<br><br>Post edited by: ranaz, at: 2009/09/21 13:27

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