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Broken Hearted


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For the last week or so my sweet Sully, re-homed 10 year+ male Eclectus, has been lunging and biting at me. I have had Sully for 4 months and he has been the most gentle and sweet guy. Well until now that is. Even when I am just changing his water or food he dashes to the opening and makes a brutal stab at me. If he is out of his cage and I try to step him up he "tongues" my arm and then gives me a vicious bite. He has been lunging at Ana Grey when she goes up to him and I have had to be very vigilant to see that she stays away from him. Last night while I was cleaning cages was the last straw. Sully climbed over to Ana Grey's cage and tried several times to attack her through the bars. Nothing has changed in the way I treat or care for them so I am hoping that he is just being a hormonal B-st--d. I did call Sully's old owner and yes he does act this way when he is hormonal and that I should just be patient. I, of course, have a great fear of his harming Ana Grey so I have removed her from the bird room and will keep them totally apart for now. He is easily twice as big as her. I'm not sure yet how I will handle his wanting to bite me because I am a bleeder (caused by medication). I have tried wrapping my arm with cloth tape but his beak is so large he can still grab me. I live alone so I can only do the best I can and hopefully Sully will return to his old self soon. Just had to vent. Thanks for listening and if you have any advice or suggestions, I'm listening!

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Yes, a suggestion. In case you didn't realize it, that's a very common thing that ekkies do when they're just plain horny. Just feed and water the bird--put in a piece of soaked rawhide in the cage (through the bars if you have to) Pick one up at the grocery store--2 to 3 inches, white color in dog dept. Soak until soft and soggy. and leave the bird alone. If you're a bleeder just remember that they don't let go when they bite. Will last 3 to 5 weeks.

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OMG do I know what your going through. Lengthen his sleep time to 14 hours slowly over the next week like 10 or 15 minutes a night make sure its good and dark. this will help him. and no more grapes for awhile and keep soft foods to a minumum. when soft foods are plentiful they think its time to mate because soft foods are easy to regurgatate so they can feed them to their mate easily while she's nesting.I just got over this with my IRN and I did all these things I mentioned and he was back to himself in 6or7 weeks. So don't worry you will have your sweet Elecie back to his old self in no time. Don't worry its not permanent.

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Oh my, Pat while I was at the store getting the rawhide Dave suggested I bought Sully some grapes and popped them into his cage for a treat because I feel so sorry about his little problem. No more grapes now, I promise!!! Thanks for the heads up about the soft foods!! I need all the help I can get!!!

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Sully is still being ornery but thanks to our Dr. Flock (Dave007 you rock) I no longer feel guilty about locking him up. He is calm as long as I am not near his cage. He still attacks as I'm changing water and food and unfortunately I have to show him a perch/stick to get him to back away from his food/water bowl openings so I can remove them. I hate doing this as he is very afraid of a hand held perch/stick. Someone must have abused him with sticks/perches in a prior home. But I have no choice. All he has to do is see a stick and he immediately backs away from the opening in fear. As I said I have no choice because he hangs at the opening to nail me and I must change his water and food. Cleaning his cage is easier as long as I only remove only the grate or paper tray at a time. Then Sully can't get out and nail me. At least he isn't screaming. I do give him lots of extra treats because this isn't his fault any more than it is mine and I so want him to be happy. If I could find him a girlie bird hooker I would!!!!:laugh: :ohmy: ;) Thanks everyone for the well wishes. Hopefully, this will be over soon and my sweet Sully will be back.

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You can try "rescue remedy." I have a friend that gives it to her ekkie when he is wookin po nub, and she swears by it. It is a herbal headache remedy sold at trader does and many health food stores. Stick 5 drops in his water dish every day and it acts like birdy valium. My vet said that there is no risk of over dosing the bird, they will just get sleepy if they have had too much. That said, I still wouldnt give him more than a drop a day increase if the 5 doesnt work.

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Were so sorry, if we may suggest,use something other than a perch/stick, use something you'll never use again except when he is like this, [rolled newspaper,trimmed flyswatter,etc] We don't want him to get paranoid over a perch. Your strength and love will prevail.....:) Jay and Maggie

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Jay and Maggie, thanks for your concern. Sully is already afraid of sticks coming at him so this is the best solution for now as I don't use a stick to normally step him up. I use my arm. All he has to do is see a stick and he immediately moves away from his food/water bowls. It breaks my heart that someone must have hit him with a stick. For now, as long has he can see me across the hall he is fine and calm. I just can't go near him except when necessary.

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