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Chewing Feathers


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I've noticed Harvey is preening more and more lately, and on Saturday one after the other he pulled three, small grey feathers - which he sat and chewed and chewed until I was worried he would swallow it so I took it off him - he just pulled another.


He did stop this after three feathers, but tonight is really rough again in his preening - but up until now hasn't pulled any tonight. He hasn't done this before, only the lovely floaty baby feathers.


He is fast approaching nine months old - is this too early for a moult and how many do I "let him off with" before it's an issue.


In my heart of hearts I know he isn't plucking - Just a bit over zealous in his technique (I'm hoping you are going to reassure me?) Your advice (as always) would be greatly appreciated. :)

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Thanks Dave - as you know, I just need that "little bit of reassurance from a pro!!"


Sorry for being a pest - but how many "grey" feathers can I expect to find and over what sort of period?


17 years with a cockatiel was easier than the last five months with Harvey!!! My nerves are shattered! ;)

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Generally speaking they do play with feathers but it is not a normal behavior to be pulling them out. I would increase bathing, add a bit more fatty acid &dark leafy greens for calcium to the diet. Feather pulling can be a sing of yeast on the skin or in the crop, allergies to a food like Peanuts or boredom ect. You may want to add some more shreddy type toys and give your vet a call if this behavior continues.

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No he is not too young to moult,increasing the bathing wont hurt and will help stop any itching.I often find quite a few little downey feathers round Charlie when he preens.Dont let Harvey see you paying attention to this behaviour,just keep an eye on things for now.

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Thanks Sheila - I've found another three small grey feathers today. He goes in the shower at least twice a week - but I've put him in tonight as a "bonus" - although he doesn't quite agree!!


He's fine in himself - still full of trouble - but I think he is a bit "spiky" in places.

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