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I don't remember reading anywhere in all my research before I brought Rose home about African Greys liking to dig. But the last couple of days Rose has been clinging to the corner of her cage by her beak while 'digging' on the bottom with her feet. I try to distract her with toys and cuddle time but it seems that when she gets it in her head to do it, she will go right back to it once she is back in her cage. I hope this is not going to become some sort of neurotic behavior LOL. Anyone elses bird do this? Is it normal?

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I've observed this behavior in my baby grey, as well as another one at the store. They cover the bottom of there bird cages with some paper pellet things that are supposed to soak up liquid waste more effectively than just placing newspaper, so when the Greys do this they end up kick huge amounts of stuff.

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I thought it may be foraging behavior but one of her times during the day to do it is in the morning right after I have changed her paper, cleaned her cage and fed her breakfast. She will ignore her new fresh food for at least 20 minutes to dig in the corner first. And she does it with such intensity. I keep telling her I am going to get her a birdy treadmill because that's what is looks like she is doing LOL I'll have to video tape it some time. :)

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  • 7 months later...

Alfie does this at the bottom of the cage when she is wanting out, but she also does at the back of the couch, like she's trying to get under there, and also she'll do it to me if I'm sitting on the floor - she'll dig away as if she's trying to dig a hole under me - lol - maybe she's trying to tell me something!!

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Yes, it's true, like a dog after they go potty, they kick dirt or grass over it. In the wild a baby Grey will hold on to something in the nest and kick to clean it. It's cut to see a couple of them do it at the same time.

A CAG stay's a family member until they're about a year old, they help take care of and teach younger chicks before they go out on they're own...A TAG leaves home at a much earlier age at around 6mo's old, so in turn they learn to be self supporting at a younger age. Jayd

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Issac does this mainly when I have to leave in the house and he has just been placed back in his cage. It is his way of pulling at my heart strings (whether he knows it or not) and telling me not to go...ohh...and to please let him back out.


It gets me every time....but i cannot cave in...I have to go.


He will also do it sometimes at the bottom of the couch as well. I think he sees something he wants under there. I always say, "You digging to China boy?"



Edited by Elvenking
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mine does this to, it just means he wants through the door.

A lot of times I shut my doors to different rooms and when he feels like being an explorer he will go up to the door and put his beak in the corner and start scratchin.

I'll open the door for him he goes in looks around for a couple minutes then comes back.. Sometimes he will then go up to another door and so same thing

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