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I can't beleive I didn't notice.


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I decided to clip Darius's nails today or at least see if he would let me if I made a game out of it. Well I was very shocked when I picked up left foot and saw that he only had 3 toes the 4th is just a little nub its the toe that would normally be the smallest toe facing back. I must be getting old or something I've had him for a month and a half and I'm just noticing now that he's only got 3 toes on 1 foot I'm so dumb founded I play with him everyday he lays onhis back on my lap and I tickle his feet and I never noticed that he only had 3 toes. Maybe I never noticed because it doesn't stop him from doing things all birds do he hangs like a bat and climbs without effort. I better keep a better eye on my baby's if I missed that what else have I missed. Bad MOMMY BAD

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Ah, poor Darius, but it clearly doesn't bother him!!! After I read this I have just been and checked Harvey's toes, I can't remember ever counting them either!! All present and correct!


Dave would you be oh so kind to send an abacus to me too - I think I need help - I've just counted my own - is seven on one side and six on the other normal? :laugh:

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There's no need to send you anything. You've stated your problem quite well. The only thing I can say is that I feel that it's sad that you must spend a huge amount of time in shoe stores OR maybe you've found one that already understands. Of course, there's always an extreme answer floating around--amputation. You need to be strong though. Explain it to your love. Sit down and just figure out the amount of money that will be saved each year.

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  • 2 months later...

I have a friend who is working with two footless Greys that are a year old and one more adult with a little bit of foot that just joined her. They play more on their backs like a kitten but still get around and even balance on a perch. Don't tell the that they are missing anything.

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