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Salsa, Bad Molt!!!


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;)Hi all, Been under the weather sorry, for got to log out even.. Salsa's going through a real bad Molt. Giving her Prime Vitamins, cut down on amount of fat she eats,lots of baths, eats good, her eyes and nostrils are clear, poop proper. She's happy,she weights 376 grams now.. :) Thanks Jay



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she looks absolutly beautiful to me what a gorgeous bird Darius is molting really heavily now also. I'm sorry to here you haven't been feeling well its the time of year I think because I just got over a dosey of a cold myself so I know how you feel hope you start feeling back to your old self soon<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/09/14 03:52

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It does seem that not all molt are the same. Molting can be influenced by day light length, hormones, diet and the unknown. I have worked at Zoo's and volunteer at an Exotic bird sanctuary so have seen both the light molts and the very heavy ones and all are in the normal range. I have observed that a{Feel-good-000200BB} bird who is becoming mature will often have a heavier molt then the ones they have had in the past.

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