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The Parrot "Bite Me!!!" Club


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I'd love to know the natural psychology of wild african greys in a flock. Do they bite each other? They must work as a unit to survive. I can't see a bunch of bickering african greys forming a cohesive unit. If one bird bites does the other bite back? I recall a post that there is no pecking order among parrots and that there is little if any conflict. Then why do we get bites at times. Jan


Somehow I think biting amongst Grey parrots in the wild is very unlikely. They don't play the domination game. I don't think any flocking birds do.

I can imagine them yelling at each other but otherwise they have more than enough space to avoid conflict escalation.

I have never seen Greys in the wild but I do observe pigeons and seagulls where I live and I have never seen serious conflict between flock members.

A Grey living with humans in a house or in an aviary is less able to get out of a situation it might be uncomfortable with so biting may happen and humans are not that good at reading parrot so they also will get bit on occasion. Some even deserve it! .


Steve n Misty

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I'd love to know the natural psychology of wild african greys in a flock. Do they bite each other? They must work as a unit to survive. I can't see a bunch of bickering african greys forming a cohesive unit. If one bird bites does the other bite back? I recall a post that there is no pecking order among parrots and that there is little if any conflict. Then why do we get bites at times. Jan


They don't bite each other. They peck at each other. They don't try to hurt each other. As far as they biting their owners---well, we do much more stranger things to our pet birds than they do amongst themselves. Greys are wild animals and need each other. Wild birds who remain wild ( wild parrots and other wild birds) don't need the human touch.

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Kura came after me while I was cleaning the grate in her cage. Most of the time, she doesn't ruffle a feather.


Even if she were furious, it's a pretty safe bet that Kura's not going to do more than grab me. So, I waited until she got w/in reach, then got right in her face & gave her a big smooch on the beak. Then a couple on her head, half dozen on her shoulder & a few on her wing. Then I went back to cleaning while she preened my hair.


Not long after, I went into Charm's cage & was not surprised by the hostile response, just the level of it. Charm is the stereotype for Quaker cage aggression.


So I did back just out of reach because she can do surprisingly painful damage when she's like that. I told her how truly sorry her devoted slave was to have upset her while I watched the dangerous body language drain away. It took a minute before she spoke to me in conversational Quaker. Then her normal attention deficit kicked in. She just wandered off & forgot all about whatever I was doing.


Mindlessly went to get Phenix' water cup when I saw he'd made soup w/his lunch. As soon as I got near the cage he came flying. Smashed into the bars, eyes pinning, seriously intent on doing some damage. Sigh...


Spent probably 5 min diffusing his rage. But he finally turned on the charm & I actually walked away laughing. Found him chattering & waiting in his usual spot when I brought the clean water back. Laughing, he gave it the usual splash & inspection. Then ripped a chunk out of my finger w/o skipping a beat.


I'm reminded once again how they're all just so different.


They don't usually all get hormonal on the same day, she said gratefully. Early case of Spring fever, maybe? A little residual madness after all the lousy weather? I dunno. Maybe it's just one of those days.


Whatever. Think maybe I'm just going to keep a respectful distance for the rest of the day, though.

Edited by birdhouse
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Even though it's a little early it looks like this is primarily about everyone going hormonal at once. They tend to go off their rockers at all different times. Just hope they don't feed each others insanity, too.


But a little warning does go a long way. At least today I knew to approach w/caution. Made a big deal out of breakfast. Then set them up w/some new things to shred. Checked to make sure the bandaid box is full & put a question mark on the calendar for March 3rd. Just need to pick up some wine & I'll be strapped in & ready to go!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well its took my a couple of weeks to read all the posts on here and I feel sooooo much better Alfie is nearly one and I get bitten so many times a day its unreal, I have been getting to the point of thinking we cannot go on living together as we are not getting any nice times together, but seems I need to keep going until his about 3............only another 2 years!!!

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Well its took my a couple of weeks to read all the posts on here and I feel sooooo much better Alfie is nearly one and I get bitten so many times a day its unreal, I have been getting to the point of thinking we cannot go on living together as we are not getting any nice times together, but seems I need to keep going until his about 3............only another 2 years!!!


So, what's gonna happen after 3 yrs?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Oscar has bitten me a lot lately, but there are *almost* always antecedents. He will display frustration or an evil little twinkle in his eye right before a bad bite. Sometimes I rush him back into his cage if I need to get going somewhere and he is taking his sweet time, which is a sure way for me to get bitten. I also tend to rush Oscar in a general sense, trying to get him to "love me" and be my friend when what he needs right now is a reason to trust me. I work hard to be consistent: predictable meal times, play times, positive interactions and not reacting when he does bite (which is so hard to do when Oscar latches onto my finger and won't let go- OUCH)! I agree with my veterinarian and some folks who commented in this thread: when you are consistently being bitten, take a few steps back and interact less physically with your Grey.

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This is how I looked about a month ago. I was on the phone and Peanut just dive bombed me and lathched on. Now they both have pestered me when I was on the phone in the past, but NOTHIING like this.

It happened again 4 days later - this time to my ear.

I now grab the phone and run to the other room and shut the door to talk.

Anyone have any other ideas as to how to handle this.

Peanut is just fine at all other times.

100_0391 (800x751).jpg

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The only thing you can do to stop a bird flying at you to attack. Is to swoosh your arm in front of you to make them divert their flight path away from you. You really need to address this behavior asap so peanut learns it is not acceptable at all. They can fly a lot faster than you can jump up and run to another room. t will not take peanut long to just fly straight at you when the phone rings in pursuit and nip your neck or ears as you try to flee. You need to stand your ground and let peanut know what will not be tolerated.

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Dan - I tried the arm wave, that's when he got my ear. I am a little afraid of it happening again. I am not afraid of him at any other time. He doesn't usually like to go down the hall, so I am hoping it stays that way. I close the door when I get to the other room.

Nancy - the only time my Sun has bitten me is when he had his first hormonal season. Then my ears got it the worse! I could have had a dozen earrings in them. But none of the bites were as bad as Peanut's.

Misty - you may have something. My ringtone right now is my Tiel talking. Maybe Peanut is jealous because my ringtone use to be him and Skittles yelling. I think I will try changing it back and see what happens. My only problem here is that Peanut attacked well into the phone conversation, not at the beginning.

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Brat Birds...are you working on stepup training? Does Peanut desire to be out with you? The reason I ask... is Peanut needs some serious guidelines on acceptable behavior. Teaching acceptable social skills, it really works well, once they trust you, and desire to be with you. If Peanut doesn't give a hoot... then we need to work on making Peanut want to hang with you as much as possible. Can't train sucessfully, unless your bird has a strong desire to be with you.I can't even imagine having to hide just to make a phone call! Thats TERRIBLE! I'm so sorry! Nancy

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Nancy, it is not as horrible as it sounds. LOL I don't get or make that many calls. I have thought about what you are saying and I think you are right about Peanut needing some more training in acceptable behavior. I have been very lax in any training the past couple of years. He does like to be with me, but I let him come and go as he pleases. He is usually on my shoulder or head when I am on the computer. He will also play on the 'tree' or on Skitles cage. I have not ever used the step-up command with either of my birds. I might give that a try, but not sure about using it too often. I really believe I don't have patience enough any more to train them very well. Up to now, having them go back to their cages on command has been enough. I think I have rambled enough. LOL

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Dan - I tried the arm wave, that's when he got my ear. I am a little afraid of it happening again. I am not afraid of him at any other time. He doesn't usually like to go down the hall, so I am hoping it stays that way. I close the door when I get to the other room.

Nancy - the only time my Sun has bitten me is when he had his first hormonal season. Then my ears got it the worse! I could have had a dozen earrings in them. But none of the bites were as bad as Peanut's.

Misty - you may have something. My ringtone right now is my Tiel talking. Maybe Peanut is jealous because my ringtone use to be him and Skittles yelling. I think I will try changing it back and see what happens. My only problem here is that Peanut attacked well into the phone conversation, not at the beginning.


Bite him back. See how he likes it!!

Edited by Dave007
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Brat Birds... teaching stepup to a bird that already trusts you in my opinion, is a " walk in the park!" It usually doesn't take long, if you have a bird that is curious to learn. Peanut I believe will do well. They DO want to please you and understand your expectations. I am not criticizing you at all....BUT.... Peanut will get worse, if you don't set guidelines. I believe in the " flock mentality", and I believe there is a flock leader, and it sure isn't Sophie! (my grey!) She is the flock leader in our animal kingdom, but I am the flock leader of all.That doesn't mean I run our household as a dictatorship. Hardly! Everyone has a voice and opinion. Nancy

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Well, knowing step-up is important for certain. But, ask Dayo for a step-up, he might give a split second thought and either raised his talon slightly (thinking more about it but not committed), a high talon in the air (Like a goose step, he is fully committed) or lastly not even budge a talon and look at you as if your CraZy. Don't try for a step up in the third request/behavior. Just turn and walk away or...... YOU WILL DIE!!!!:P

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Well, knowing step-up is important for certain. But, ask Dayo for a step-up, he might give a split second thought and either raised his talon slightly (thinking more about it but not committed), a high talon in the air (Like a goose step, he is fully committed) or lastly not even budge a talon and look at you as if your CraZy. Don't try for a step up in the third request/behavior. Just turn and walk away or...... YOU WILL DIE!!!!:P


You forgot one thing for the OP

Have a Plastic Surgeon on call------1 800 78628887(PUNCTURE)

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YIKES! I don't want to die! LOL! Sophie is wayyyyyy to easy on new people. She gives them 24-48 hours meeting them, then will step-up. She's like a "stepup floozie!"I'm happy that she trusts easily, but only after seeing I trust them. I'm kind of jealous at times, that she gives her affection so easily. I know I should be proud... but I understand how JeFFnok feels about Gracie. Nancy

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