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The Parrot "Bite Me!!!" Club


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This is how I looked about a month ago. I was on the phone and Peanut just dive bombed me and lathched on. Now they both have pestered me when I was on the phone in the past, but NOTHIING like this.

It happened again 4 days later - this time to my ear.

I now grab the phone and run to the other room and shut the door to talk.

Anyone have any other ideas as to how to handle this.

Peanut is just fine at all other times.


You can also try to have treats in an accessible place and as soon as that phone rings or you decide to make a phone call, walk over and give your bird a treat ON his cage/perch/playstand. If he stays there for a couple of minutes while you are talking, give him another treat. If he dive-bombs you, use the arm-swoosh to divert him and as soon as he goes back to his cage, give him another treat. People should hear themselves talking on the phone sometimes - they get very loud, animated, excited, etc, and all your bird sees is that you are paying A LOT of attention to something else and not them :) The biting/aggression is a way to get you to give all that excitement to them and it works - you yell or shout because you're surprised by an attack. By giving treats while your bird is in a safe place and you are on the phone, you help your bird learn that you are still putting him first AND that it is better for him if he stays where he is. If you run away to another room when the phone rings, you are just making that need for attention (and the resultant bad behavior) even worse.

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Well, knowing step-up is important for certain. But, ask Dayo for a step-up, he might give a split second thought and either raised his talon slightly (thinking more about it but not committed), a high talon in the air (Like a goose step, he is fully committed) or lastly not even budge a talon and look at you as if your CraZy. Don't try for a step up in the third request/behavior. Just turn and walk away or...... YOU WILL DIE!!!!:P



This is SO Gryphon, LOL!! When he wants to step-up he will shake his talon at me as if to say, very impatiently, "I'm WAITING!!!" Any other time, the above rules apply ;)

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i brought home an 8 year-old, male CAG the week before, from a family that couldn't care further for the bird...he was initially bought from a pet store and the previous owners have not socialised him properly...he ll accept food from my hand, and a scratch on the head under certain circumstances...other than that, he is not coming out of his cage, and becomes aggressive when i approach his cage and try to open it, change the water/seeds etc...he wasnt used to getting out of his cage in general, and seems to be scared by my hands...i hope in time that we will bond...

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Hello and welcome to you and your new CAG! :) As you have probably read on here, and if you haven't read the stickies I would recommend that you do so, it takes time to establish trust and a bond with a grey. You are off to a good start if your CAG is tolerating your hand for treats and occasional scratches. Time and patience win the day. Good luck and God bless :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Question about beak filing? Do you do it yourself or have a Vet do it? Or is it not done? Thanks, I'm new and get my baby mid June.


Since you've obviously never done this before, you would need to go to a vet who'll do it or a vet tech do it and possibly show you how to do it. Doing it the wrong way can possibly cause bleeding from the claws and the beak.


PS---beaks aren't usually done unless there's a problem with the bird not filing it down naturally or there is a problem with uneven growth.

Edited by Dave007
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Carol and Dave are fantastic! I will be honest.... Sophie my grey, trims herself quite well, but Sunny and Kiki, do need to go in for nail trimming. Sophie goes in, mostly for the ride! She gets the " spa treatment as well". What I usually hear is her " unbalanced wing trimming!" He gives her a better cut. She leaves quite happy and flying as usual. Nancy

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  • 3 months later...

I've had several bites from Jesse. I have learned to take the pain and get over it. Last night took the cake. )-; we got Jesse last November. She was approximately 9 years old. I've learned some of the things that cause her to bite and I stay away from them. She has two cages, one to sleep in the bedroom and one in the living room. We have a morning ritual. I will walk by her two or three times talking to her before I attempt to pick her up, otherwise she bites. My bf drives semi so he is only home a few days a week. She has gotten to where she will bite me, even after our ritual if he is in the room. So I just leave her in there until he gets up and gets her. Last night he came home. She was on my shoulder for a while and when I backed up to her cage to let her back on, she totally attacked my face. She grabbed the side of my face and tried to play tug of war with it. Then she let go and grabbed my ear several times jerking it. I ended up having to lean over real quick to throw her off balance and she flew onto couch where I left her. I cried for I don't know how long. Although there was blood everywhere, it hurt my feelings more than anything!! He picked her up after a few minutes and locked her in her cage. Usually if she doesn't want to go back to her cage, she will just scoot higher up my arm or go to my other shoulder. Not sure what brought on the attack. I don't want to not have anything to do with her when he is home, but I tired of getting bitten when he is here!! He doesn't think she likes him because when she first met everyone she would bite. After she decides you are ok she ceases to bite unless she has a "reason". I know one thing.. No more shoulder rides!!

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No more shoulder rides!!

You are right about that for if you can't trust her you don't need her anywhere near your face as she could do great damage, it won't be easy to keep her off if she has been allowed there but you will just have to block her from going that route, better to take a bite on the hand than get an eye ripped out.

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Yes, my face is ok. A little swollen between the beak marks and painful to touch, my ear doesn't hurt.

Last night my bf put her in the cage in the living room because that is where this all took place. We just left her in there dying the night. You could hear her moving all about the cage. I felt sorry for her because she is used to sleeping in the room with me. My bf asked me if I would still be feeling sorry for her if she would have gotten my eye. I told him probably not because I would still be at the hospital!! I told him I could just get an eye patch and pretend to be a pirate. (-;

  • Haha 1
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Being bitten on the face sounds just awful! I've had my share on my hands and arm and they are very painful there. I understand the hurt feelings too, since I've been bitten several times for reasons I can't fathom. So she doesn't bite your bf and lets him handle her? I'm just wondering if he is the "chosen one" and she is jealous of you when he is around? Just thinking out loud.

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GEEZ"... I really thought Wilbur was giving me problems by getting me once in a while and leaving an occasional sore. That Poor lady "Nightstar22". I have to be honest, as much as I love Wilbur, and our bond gets stronger daily, I don't know if I could recover from something like that, given the fact I had done nothing to provoke the bird. Having a critter that feels like your child is one thing, but my health is something else...Not intending to put out any bad vibes to anyone. I have put up with some stuff from Wilbur too, Or at least I thought I had.

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I really don't know how he would react. I know until the nipping and biting stops completely he going nowhere near my important parts. When he first got here he bit me on the arm like 4 times and I was shocked, cause he was all cool and then he just snapped, and it was- nip, nip, chomp, CHOMP. Didn't take me a second to jerk and he just flew off. I noticed him as we were messing with him, he looked down at my arm moving under him, like it was getting on his nerves then a few seconds later, he struck. I defiantly don't want that happening to my face...

Poor Wilbur, I thought I had killed him like the second day he arrived. He was sitting in his doorway, I was trying to get him to step up and like before he was seeming cool with me. Well I reach over kinda towards his belly and he grabbed me quick. It startled me and I jerked my hand back real fast and he held on. It flung him into my laptop like 6 feet away. I was like OMG I hurt him but he just jumped up and walked it off. He acted better towards me after that sad to say lol but i'm sure in his mind he's got his bite back in on me and returned the favor cause he fears nothing I've seen. He would fight with satin lol. Now when the game begins, because of the nipping I use these two wooden sticks to start the game off and work up to flesh. I think Wilbur just likes to play when he likes to play and he thinks he's the boss of me. Guess he is cause I don't take crap from no one either except him lol. I now know what the bite signs are, most anyways and i'm getting better at reading his body language. He's a sneaky feller...

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