Morana Posted December 23, 2011 Share Posted December 23, 2011 Some sooner than others ;-) ...Practice makes perfect in my case..:-P Kidding.. We are doing much much better,-except when I am very little home because of work-. Then Zak becomes very nervous, which is understandable.. Unfortunately, sometimes I don't have a choice but to work late and long hours.. :-S @ and, don't be condescending. This here are a brilliant bunch of people! Proud to be a flock member:-) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Posted December 23, 2011 Share Posted December 23, 2011 I apologize to you all. Did NOT mean to sound condenscending. It DID come off after reading my post. I am really 100% non-judgemental. What I failed to mention in my " jaw dropping"... was this was me with Sophie, when I first got home. I made soooo many mistakes with a brand new two year old grey. ( also starting terrible twos!) All newbies are doing FANTASTIC! I just worry that many are trying to please their new baby TOO hard. I did the same.After three months, getting my ear " sliced and diced"... I had to make changes. Wrist status only, practicing stepup, stepdown. Biting... I would firmly say NO! Gently grab her beak, return her to her cage, try again in five minutes. Happy to see her again. Did this over and over, kids as well. It worked after alot of family effort. I hope this is helpful to many. I DON'T have the perfect bird. She is a teaser, thinks she is a princess, rules this family! Oh wait... I DO have the perfect bird! Sorry again. Nancy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mistyparrot Posted December 27, 2011 Share Posted December 27, 2011 carlsjr said: ......Birds have no idea about dominance or submission so trying to "show" the bird who is boss is kinda stupid. I am not so sure about that. Misty knows who is boss......he is :eek: Steve n Misty Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
danmcq Posted December 28, 2011 Author Share Posted December 28, 2011 LOL Steve! Dayo has the same attitude as well. I suspect it is a grey superiority trait. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mitz Posted January 2, 2012 Share Posted January 2, 2012 Hi I am Mitz . Would like to have some help with my bird his 3jears old don't now much a bout him and would like to now how to Stop him from biteting me when I want to touch him in his cage I can as him for a kiss and he let's u kiss him but when I want to scratch his hed he wants to bite thank u Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morana Posted January 2, 2012 Share Posted January 2, 2012 Hi Mitz! Please introduce yourself and your birdie in Welcome & Introduction room and tell us a bit more about the circumstances in your home. How old is your bird, is it a re home, how long do you have it, and so on.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Koekie Posted January 6, 2012 Share Posted January 6, 2012 haha, cool club. Can I join? In my head, every parrot is big. So when I went to see Koekie, I was like: jeez,he's little. And when his owner told me he bites, I was like: bring it! And he bit untill my finger was red from all the blood. But I got him on my hand. And since then he has never bitten me, and he's is just the sweetest little birdie ever. And he was not mean when he bit me. He couldn't help it that he wasn't socialized. And now he's happy and steps up by everyone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snoepgoed123 Posted January 13, 2012 Share Posted January 13, 2012 well... I'm part of the club... when I went to bird paradise I was playing with one of the macaws, cute green guy... he was stepping up, and down and up and down, and he kept nibbling on my jacket... then he grabbed hold of my finger, and I just pulled it out, all is fine, playing some more, he grabs hold of my finger again and just clenches down... now I have a lovely bruise, fortunately no blood... but that hurt! like getting your finger caught in the car door kind of pain... well you guys all know! It was 100% my fault, I knew it's a risk I took when I played with him, and I don't mind... (its almost like a reality check) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
birdhouse Posted January 13, 2012 Share Posted January 13, 2012 ^^^ I've had bleeding wounds that hurt less than some of the crunch type bruises. Did one of the big Macaws get you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snoepgoed123 Posted January 13, 2012 Share Posted January 13, 2012 he wasn't too big, but he was bigger than a severe macaw... I'm horrible at knowing all the macaw breeds, but he was green, I think it might have been a yellow collared macaw... He was very friendly, and the bite was a play bite... luckily not a vicious bite... like I said, it was my fault for not realizing his beak strength... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
oblivion Posted January 23, 2012 Share Posted January 23, 2012 With my rehomed grey, I've been bitten more than I care to think about - in fact the little snot just nipped me yesterday after a couple days of being an utter sweetheart. I was reading on the floor of his room resting my hand behind my back and he just strolled up and bit my pinkie. For that, he got calmly escorted to his cage and I left the room. He was audibly upset to lose my company, but that's what a bite will get him. :cool: The WORST bite I've ever gotten, believe it or not, was from a neighbor's cockatiel who ended up in my serviceberry bush. The little sweetheart was calling and calling to my 'tiel (they often yell at each other down the block when the windows are open or they are out getting fresh air) but sounded WAY closer than usual. I went out front and tried calling it down, but it was slowly climbing higher up the tree and was ready to take off, so I lunged and grabbed it. That little sucker chomped RIGHT THROUGH MY THUMB NAIL. TWICE. I was bleeding like a stuck pig. I managed to get my front door open and (gently) threw the bird inside. I let it roam my house a bit until I could crate the dogs, lock the cat in the bathroom, and bring up a spare cage and towel from the basement. Oh, and find a few band-aids. I recaptured the bird without much fuss (thanks to the towel) and walked the precious little thing home. The owner was VERY surprised to see my daughter and me stroll up with her bird - she had no idea it had escaped from the cage on the back deck - though I'm not sure how/why they ignored the racket their other 'tiel was making trying to call the missing one. That was about 3 years ago, and every once in a while I still find a 'Thank you' gift from her on my doorstep. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Posted January 24, 2012 Share Posted January 24, 2012 Sorry all... I believe the birdstore, was doing the right thing. Had great advice. We all believe in different things. I'm a little more " strict", in my expectations in a brand new baby. I won't get into it, because the majority will not approve. Thats okay with me. Nancy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Posted January 24, 2012 Share Posted January 24, 2012 I know many, think I am on a " high horse", maybe I am... but they are NOT allowed to bite,or have their own agenda. I make the rules. Birds follow them. I am the parent. They are the child. If they don't like my rules, they complain, but the rules don't change. Nancy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
oblivion Posted January 24, 2012 Share Posted January 24, 2012 I was really confused and thought you were responding to me or even a recent post. Woah. I'd better duck out of the crossfire here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Posted January 25, 2012 Share Posted January 25, 2012 oblivion.... sorry you thought I was responding to your post. You are doing GREAT! Everyone here is doing their best.I tend to get passionate, and it sometimes gets me in trouble. Nancy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
oblivion Posted January 26, 2012 Share Posted January 26, 2012 No worrries. The good news is I haven't been bitten since that post. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Posted January 28, 2012 Share Posted January 28, 2012 YAY! I haven't been bitten by Sophie my grey since she was almost three. I got her when she was two. I AM worried about Kiki, my Amazon. Last week she ran across the top of her cage ready to bite. I just waited... it didn't happen. The otherday, she ran across her top of cage ( where food is), and I waited for her, she put her finger in my mouth and bit gently. Not sure whats going on with her. Weve had her since she was a baby. She's ten now. Any ideas everyone? I told her firmly NO! I didn't change the food bowl at that time, waited ten minutes... came back with my step stool, so I was taller than her, she was an angel. Changed the food and water, she wanted a good head petting. Could she be molting ?Never had an issue before! I don't have the answers. I think a nice warm shower and blowdry should be given this weekend. Her favorite! Nancy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Posted January 28, 2012 Share Posted January 28, 2012 You might be right! I told Sean, her owner, even though he is very busy right now, he needs to spend extra time with her. She is the most sensitive of all our birds. She flew in to me the otherday, landed on my shoulder, kept saying " hello", over and over. Unusual for her, to prefer me over Sean. What's going on with you? Nancy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xSarahx Posted March 26, 2012 Share Posted March 26, 2012 I think its time i joined ..I have read a fair few of this post but not all Archie is deffinatly a biter,most of the time it is my familys fault for not listning to me telling them the signs that they choose to ignore then get nailed,i on the other hand after doing lots and lots of research and asking questions about biting know most of the signs aim going to get bit if i dont back off,but what gets me is (as most of you have said) the bites i get that seem for me no real reason,he will be sitting on my shoulder iam as still as anything he runs down my chest just to bit my finger out of the blue??luckily they dont hurt , ive been nailed countless times this morning but i know that is because he is sulking with me because i showered him this morning and he has still not forgiven me lol but again he was on my shoulder crawled down to my leg and kept biting my hand for no real apparent reason?other then the sulking There is 2 i would class as `worst` bites from`archie for different reasons, 1st is i stuck my finger through hes cage he grabbed it and clamped his claws in then clamped hes mouth round it and got harder and harder , i had read to not react so i tried my hardest even though i was convinced he was goign to break it then he let go phewww 2nd was he was on my shoulder (i had no bra on,just a top) he crawled down and nailed my nipple,now that one really hurt even though it was just a quick thing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Posted March 26, 2012 Share Posted March 26, 2012 OUCH! The nipple bite... I can't even imagine! The one good thing about a grey and Amazon bite, they clamp down. Cockatoo's " shred!" Can you imagine your finger being fillet? NO THANKS! The best thing as you said, watch and learn the signs. Eye pinning for a new grey owner, is a sign. Although when they get older and there is no trust issues, Sophie's eyes pin like crazy when she likes what I have said, and wants to learn. You just have to know your bird. While you all know I am a firm believer in " no shoulder status", until the parent-child relationship is established, it is a personal choice. I look at it as " waiting three years, then having time forever!" No more biting, sitting on my shoulder, etc. Of course, I was lucky to adopt Sophie at age two, only had to work with her for a year after terrible twos. Nancy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aerial.2000 Posted April 1, 2012 Share Posted April 1, 2012 well i have been bit hard 3 times by marco when she has been scared by someone/thing ... otherwise i think she is doing reallllllly great Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Posted April 1, 2012 Share Posted April 1, 2012 aerial.2000 From what I have read from many sites here that you have been on, I recognize a parent, when I see one, that is going to be GREAT! You have the energy and desire to make Marco a great addition to your family. Now focus on when Marco is scared, watch for the signs and always.... be one step ahead! Nancy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aerial.2000 Posted April 1, 2012 Share Posted April 1, 2012 Thanks Nancy .... I am definately tryin hard to get everything ready and be as ready for Marco as possible when she comes home. I am starting to see the signs for sure. Im sure they will be much more apparently when shes home. So I have still SO much to learn. but thanks I will always try to protect HER as well as anyone around her Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tandra Posted April 2, 2012 Share Posted April 2, 2012 (edited) i would really like to join this club too i am relatively new at being owned by my grey lol..i purchased him from a lady who was scared of him as he had bitten her a few times(she started to wear oven mitts when handling him thus making it so much worse)and she had been previously badly bitten from a bird at her place of she basically left him to do his own thing daily,she would feed and water him and clean the cage and leave the door open for him when she was home but that was the extent of their relationship so she had decided that after all the beeping and chatting and at times making bird noises (lol) she wasnt getting anything from their relationship but annoyed and here i come along,a majoy pet lover and a life long lover of birds....i bought him,brought him home and away we went..things were good,he would try and nip at me a few times but i was firm in my "step up" command and he obeyed lol..he pretty much gave up on the bitting,however we had a friend move in for a mnth and while my husband and i were at work my bird "festus" would be doing his birdie thing,talking,whistling and beeping,im assuming it got on my friends nerves and i think he secretly yelled and shook his fingers at my bird!! i caught him one time shaking his finger at him and pretending like he was gonna hit my bird!!!! i freaked right out and told him that if i ever caught him doing that ever again he would be gone asap!! as a matter of fact if you dont like him then leave!! if you dont like the fact that after you have wiggled your fingers infront of him and then go in for a scratch and he bites you then stop touching my bird!! just leave him the hell alone,this is his home,not yours!! so my friend eventually moved out after i spazzed now we have this problem...festus bites whenever he feels like it,and at times for no reason it seems,he has drawn blood on my hand once and now he is even refusing to come off his cage im so sad and i just dont know what to do...we used to spend time snuggling on the couch and now i cant even get him to let me give him a i went back to the basics of trying to teach him that hands are good,not bad,they bring treats and food...thats all im trying to do until he learns to trust i doing right? is there more i can be doing? please he will be 4 in october and is a congo... i will be 39 in july lol Edited April 2, 2012 by tandra left out his age Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Papaleka Posted April 3, 2012 Share Posted April 3, 2012 My bird, Phoebe, bit, and twisted, and came away with a good chunk finger, the next week, she bit my lip. Ps...she NEVER bites my husband! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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