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whats happens to a blood feather


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Once again I have a question..What happens to a blood feather?Does it fall out if not pulled?If there dry blood at the tip what happens to it??Was it a big feather at first?The vet told me to crush it?Dont know why?Im sorry I keep asking about the feathers or plucking.Just like to know.Thanks

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All feathers no matter what feathers are being talked about fall out a blood feather is a feather that has to have the ability to grow and bend according to where it's being used. It also has to have the ability to fall out when it's use is finally ended. A new one is just behind it ready to take over. Each blood feather which is actally flight feathers is immediately replaced by a new one that is pushing the old one out. The reason it's being replaced is because the blood supply has dried up inside. It serves no more purpose. The same thing applies to tail feathers which are actually the rudder of a flying creature. If a blood feather breaks, the blood supply comes out and that area needs to be clotted. Your vet says to crush it. I say pull out the whole feather from it's base because the area where the base of the feather was is easier to clot and then the middle of a broben feather. All feathers on a bird's body fall out and are also immedeiately replaced by another feather pushing it out. Those feathers being pushed out are dead and the new ones are alive. Plucking and broken blood gfeathers have nothing to do with each other. The same applies to the tail feathers. You ask if a blood feather will fall out--yes but it won't fall out just because it's damaged and bleeding. That's the reason for stopping the blood from flowing out.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/09/13 00:01

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