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Cuss Box!


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I caught the tail end of conversation last night in the IM room, that reminded me of steps we took when we first got Alfie home. I'm afraid I'm one of these people who doesn't think a swearing parrot is terribly funny, so although I don't swear an awful lot, David can do. I introduce a Swear box to discourage us.

Would you believe within about a fortnight there was over £80 in there!

I couldn't believe how much we swear, and you don't really notice it until you're trying not to! Needless to say it did tail off pretty quickly - we haven't needed to put any money in the pot for ages, and we have a swear free parrot.

Having said that, I was in the shower lately and dropped my sponge, it landed on the floor and got all hairy, I said a bad word and Alf echoed it instantly and perfectly! She (and me) hasn't said it again, but we'll need to be careful from now on cos she's like a sponge at the minute and coming out with new stuff all the time!


Does any one have any tails of their birds picking up things they weren't supposed to, that's caused an embarrasing moment for them?

WOuld love to hear your stories.


HOpe you and yours are all well


Bye for now.


Lyn & Alfie



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It is funny when they swear - but only if they don't belong to you! I'd be gutted if Harvey started swearing - we don't swear in front of our nieces (the kids are different - they're older!!), so I'd hate Harvey to swear.


Lyn - the money you've made you can put towards whatever Alfie has destroyed this week!!

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The cuss box is a GreYT idea!!


We had a few occurrences of Dayo swearing, which he picked up from our Son and wife coming over during the day and we're not home. WE of course KNEW he had picked it up from them. So we just advised NO MORE CUSSING and it has taken a while, but Dayo now says the "Replacement" words (95 percent of time) which sound VERY similar.


Dayo now says "Shoot" and "God Dangit", instead of the other cuss words. Well, 95 percent of the time. :-)


You have to nip it in the bud very quickly or they will become a permanent item in their vocabulary.

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Well, AnnaBella learned the wolf whistle quickly after we brought her home. She did it quite often whether she was in her cage or not. We were having a new fridge being delivered and it was being brought in by two Spanish speaking men. One of the men was done with his part then the 2nd guy finished his part and was leaving. AnnaBella had been quiet up til this moment, they couldn't even tell we had a parrot. So, the 2nd guy passed me amd a few steps later, AnnaBella let out her wolf whistle. The man stopped and looked at me...I think I turned 10 shades of red!! I tried to explain that we had a parrot...he just smiled and went out the door...LOL. I don't know if he understood me or not.

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Substituting less aggresive words when I might have previously sworn has become such a habit with me, even when there are no birds or young children around, that it's given my friends some laughs. I guess it does sound funny when I say "fudge" or "shoot" or "sugar" with the same voice and vehemence I would have used with other words.

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I've told this story before, but since everyone here seems to be swear-free I'll share the story again. My husband thought it would be a funny trick to play on me to teach tobie something I wouldn't know about and see my reaction. I leave the radio on for Tobie when I go to work. Frank gets home before me and turns off the radio. Every time he turned off the radio he would say "turn the damn radio off". One day when I turned the radio on Tobie said immediately "turn the damn radio off". In shock, I turned the radio off. I called Frank to see if he had something to do with that because I didn't have a clue where that came from. Some months later I had gotten the "damn" out of the phrase I thought. I was leaving the house and in the bathroom doing my hair and heard "open the door". Tobie was in his cage asking to be allowed out. Of course I was ignoring him because I was getting ready to leave. So Tobie continues -- "open the door" -- "OPEN THE DOOR" -- "OPEN THE DOOR" -- "OPEN THE DAMN DOOR":evil:

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