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Bathtime Breakthrough!


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Sorry to admit it, but i am envious of all you!! I'm having so much trouble bathing Took. He absolutely hates it. I tried the bowl, the spray, a bath, the sink, and taking him into the shower. nothing works. Now when I bring him into the bathroom while I shower for a bit of humidity, he just stands right in front of the door, facing the door. occasionally looking back at me pleading to open that door and let him escape.

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I'm with you, munch. It's been a real challenge trying to find a way to get Moussa wet. He'll play with a dish of water, but he gets everything wet except himself. I've sprayed him gently with a spray bottle and he screams and carries on like I'm spraying him with acid, and then he's mad at me for a while. He will sit on the shower rail while a take a shower and so he does get a good dose of humidity regularly. He hasn't taken the plunge to fly down to me in the shower, but I figure if he just sees me in the water, maybe he'll conclude that the stuff isn't deadly after all. Sigh. They sure don't make it easy, do they?

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Don't give up you two, I have had the exactly the same prob with Alfie, this thread was started when I just about began to see the light at the end of the tunnel. She absolutely hates the spray bottle and thrashes about something wicked. I now shower her in her travel cage and she sits quiet and accepts it, but it was a long time coming. You might still end up with a bird you will humour you at showertime. x

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This is Neo right after his bath:




I bathe him in the kitchen sink and spray a mist with a bottle at the same time. Today is the first time he spread his wings while I was spraying him. He either liked it or was trying to fly away. I would like to think it's the former but honestly believe it's the latter, darn it!

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