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Bathtime Breakthrough!


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After reading and adding to an earlier thread by another member, I thought I'd repost in a new thread. The feedback I get on here really is invaluable to me.

I've never had much luck with ALfie and bathtimes,

I think, basically, it's my fault for not starting her sooner. When we got her home as a baby, I thought it better to let her settle in to her new environment before we tackled unpleasantries like bathing. I didn't try bathing her for about 8 weeks, and by then she already had a routine that didn't include a shower!

I've tried a bunch of the tricks I've read on here, without much success. The only thing I haven't tried is the bowl of water with toys in it, i thought no way she's gonna go in voluntarily! I will give it a go though.

Any how, she does go in the shower with me almost every day, sits up on the shower rail and seranades me - doesn't mind the steam hitting her, but it has been worrying me a lot that she doesn't get a proper bath. I've tried the hands on approach acouple of times, and while the bites I get aren't malicious, it really is her just trying to get out, I got a couple of sore ones and it put me off. I shouldn't have let it but there you go.

Today I took the bull by the horns and gave her a shower in her travel cage. I started off keeping the water just off her so not to freak her too much, but then i noticed she was trying to get to the hand that wasn't holding the shower. I stuck my fingers through the cage and she instantly climbed on to them! A breakthrough? As I slowly moved the water towards her, she jumped off, but I left the water running over my hand, and sure enough, within about 5 minutes, she was making her way back to my hand. This time, as soon as she stepped up I removed the water, then gradually got it close again. Every time, she moved away, but then made her way back to the watery hand, untill, in the end, she must have decided it was better to sit on my hand and get a shower, than just sit on the perch! When she had finished her shower, I had mine and she was back seranading me again!

Gave her loads of fuss and a treat when we were done, and she doesn't seem any worse for it. I'll try it again next week and maybe supply her with her own toy-filled bath in the meantime and see how we go. Fingers crossed!


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That's great Lyn - Alfie will be a bathtime pro in no time! I gave Harvey his first shower the day after we brought him home and I always make sure he goes in a couple of times a week (actually, I'm sitting here soaking because we've just had a "session")!


He sits fairly "happily" on the perch in the shower and lets me lift his wings to spray under etc, but I still don't achieve the "full drench" - but each time I know he looks a little wetter!


Keep up the good work - She'll be screaming to come in with you sooner rather than later ;)

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It's too late to introduce bathing to them in any way that works. It sounds like you found a way that was comfortable and enjoyable for her.


It's always a big plus if you can find a way that they are at least not completely freaking out. :-)


GreYt job!!!

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""""I totally miss taking a bath with toys. I think, in my next life, I would like to come back as Alfie """"

I'm really sorry to hear that. You must have treasured your toys. Try not to let those memories from the past affect your future. I sure you can find some new toys to play with. Make a fresh start.

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  • 1 month later...

Hay folks,

Just a wee update on bathtime!

I've been showering her once a week, and she is tolerating it well, bless her.

Just had another shower session this morning, and two new things happened. While she was under the shower, she started shaking her tail feathers and her wings a little - she almost looked like she might start to enjoy it!! She also started to try and catch the water as it came out of the shower head!

The best thing is, she let me switch the water from a spray to a jet with no objections at all - she just sat there. She was a lot wetter today than she's ever been!

I have noticed though, that she much prefers the water to come from the side or underneath, rather than from above her - I think I've read that about other greys in another post.

So all in all, bathtimes are going ok! :)



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This post has helped tremendously with Beau. Dixie was not accustomed to bathing when I got her and it has been an uphill battle - we are doing better, but not totally soaked. Beau on the other hand has been going in the shower with me daily and is very good at getting himself soaked. Thanks for the updates and for starting the thread in the first place.

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  • 2 months later...

So another wee update.

We had gotten to having a shower once a week, with no objections, but then at Christmas time, her shower didn't go so well. No biting or squawking or anything she just flapped a bit more than she has been doing. We had house guests at the time so that maybe just unsettled her. Anyway, I left her for a couple of weeks, not wanting to make it worse, when something started to happen.

On several occasions when she came with me to the kitchen to do this dishes, she started showing an interest in the running water, which she never has before (I read a thread recently, but can't remember who it was by - about how she had a recording of running water and it seemed to help the bathtime bit - I thought it was an excellent idea and taped some running water onto Alfs wordy birdie). Any way she was now showing way more interest than she ever had before, to the point of hanging upside down from the net curtains, about a foot above the sink and fluffing up and wiggling her wings! She looked desperate to get into that water!

I put about an inch in the bottom of the sink and left the tap just trickling for the sound effect, and threw some of her toys in to encourage her. In total, over the last couple of weeks, she has spent about two hours hanging off the edge of the sink, trying to find the courage to jump into the water, and last night - she finally did!! Now fair enough, she only stayed in a millisecond, but hay - it's a start!!:cheer:

It's funny because she hasn't been interested every time we're in the kitchen - she must really have to be in the mood!

Anyhoo, her visits to the kitchen are becoming more frequent, to give her more opportunity to "be in the mood"!

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Willow and Cleo share the shower with me almost daily. We have towels (for grip)laid over the shower rod, and they usually sit up there and talk and sing in the mornings after breakfast while I take my shower for work.


I do this daily because it's so freaking dry here and want to get them a nice humid environment for at least 20 minutes a day.


About twice a week we play "parrot car wash," where I grab them off the rod and soak 'em down really nicely. They don't hate it, but they don't love it. They tolerate it.


Unlike our 4 conures, who you can't put near a bowl of liquid without them jumping in (ask me about the time I learned to no offer apple juice in a bowl).

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Lambert58 wrote:

(ask me about the time I learned to no offer apple juice in a bowl).


Lol! So Lambert, what happened the time you learned not to offer apple juice in a bowl!!! Although I think I can imagine the scenario!!:laugh:

Alfie does joint me in the shower pretty much every day - and I do think she enjoys sitting up there on the rail - singing away! It's just proper wet time she objects, I think we're getting there though!

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pearllyn wrote:

Lambert58 wrote:
(ask me about the time I learned to no offer apple juice in a bowl).


Lol! So Lambert, what happened the time you learned not to offer apple juice in a bowl!!! Although I think I can imagine the scenario!!:laugh:

Alfie does joint me in the shower pretty much every day - and I do think she enjoys sitting up there on the rail - singing away! It's just proper wet time she objects, I think we're getting there though!


Rusty, one of our happy little GCCs, decided that drinking the apple juice wasn't enough. I'd turned my back for 1 minute to gather up dishes and put them in the dishwasher and turned 'round to find him beak-deep in the bowl I'd offered the apple juice in.


He'd never had a bath outside of his water bowl up to that point. I didn't want to let him dry up and get all sticky, so we headed to the sink.


He was Not. Happy. lol.


It's absolutely true that it was my fault and he has every reason to have been mad. In fact, to this day I think he bites me occassionally just for that day >:)

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Lambert58 wrote:

turned 'round to find him beak-deep in the bowl I'd offered the apple juice in.


Lol - I'd imagine him neck deep in it!


Alfie has been in the sink again - it seem 2yo may not be too old for her to change her ways!! Fingers crossed!

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Lyn, Dixie will be two next month and she has not enjoyed a proper bath except in her water bowl - and only the water bowl (no other bowl will do!). I take her in the shower with me regularly though to add the humidity and she has been getting better at letting me get her wet - though not soaked. Beau get's a proper shower three times a week and a misting the other four days - Dr.'s orders. Today, after his bath I took him back to his stand to dry off and preen and low and behold, there was Dixie trying to get in her water bowl. I asked her if she wanted a bath and then carried her off to the shower - little thing sat there on my fingers, and actually got soaked! Will she repeat this again? Probably not, but I feel so proud of finally getting her properly bathed, it only took 8 months!


Robin<br><br>Post edited by: rbpittman, at: 2010/01/24 22:22

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  • 7 months later...

Another wee update on showertime. While I've been showering Alfie lately, she's kind of been lifting her wings a little to let me skoosh under them. Well today, she was sitting so quitely in her cage while having her shower, that I wondered if she would sit still for me out of the cage, so I sat her on top of her travel cage and continued to shower, she continued to sit and even let me lift her wings to get under there really soaked. She's such a star, I'm getting all choked up here writing this because I know what it means that she let me do this. Amazing.



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This is cause for a celebration! I am so happy for you and for Alfie. We hope to follow in your puddles in the near future. Lyn, when I think back at how David was out of town and Alfie sat on your knee for the first time, then look at the progress you have made in winning her over, it gives me the faith that with slow and steady improvements we could be enjoying the same happy tears of celebration. So, I will just share yours today. Thanks.

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Aah thank you Dee. We have come a long way her and I. Patience really is the key with these birds, as you well know. I had no idea I was capable of being so patient until I got Alfie LOL! It hasn't half been a rollercoaster with her so far! Love it!

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  • 2 months later...

Another wee breakthrough in showertime today - Alfie flew off the shower rail and down to me while I was in the shower. Now fair enough, it wasn't exactly deliberate on her part, I think she fell off the rail and landed on me 'cos there was nowhere else to go, but land on me she did, and lived to tell the tale, so I'm hoping that she reflects on her little impromptu shower and will realise that showering is not actually eternal torment sent by the devil. They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!! I think Alfie is smart enough to figure that out..... eventually!!

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I wouldn't be quick to think it was an accident. Alfie may have decided it is much to her advantage to have a shower on her own terms rather than getting sprayed when it is your idea Lyn. LOL. Whatever was on her mind, she got in and got wet, so that is all good. She IS my favorite star.

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Lol Jan, I really wouldn't be surprised, she regularly gives me signs that she wants to bath, I just think she's opposed it for so long, it's habit now!

I wouldn't be quick to think it was an accident. Alfie may have decided it is much to her advantage to have a shower on her own terms rather than getting sprayed when it is your idea Lyn. LOL. Whatever was on her mind, she got in and got wet, so that is all good. She IS my favorite star.

Haha Dee - I wouldn't put that passed her either! I didn't actually see her fall off the rail, I just assumed it! But you're right, I think regardless of the how, it wasn't a bad experience for her! She is my favourite star too. xx

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