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Relocating- worried about Indy


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Great news- I just got a fantastic job offer- the bad news, I have to relocate, next week. I rent so I have to give notice to my apartment place, so my fiance (who I already live with) is going to stay here with the animals for 6 weeks or so while I live in corporate housing and look for a place to live. I can't take Indy (my CAG) with me (until we move into permenent housing) because this job requires a little bit of travel (especially in the beginning) and I have no one to watch him.


My question is- Indy is a one woman bird even though he's young, he's decided I'm his one true love and he wants nothing to do with anyone else especially my fiance. With me gone, is it more likely that he'll be forced to be a little more accepting of my fiance so he can get attention and interaction, or will he resort to other bad alternatives (such as plucking) What can I do to help him through this?!?! My fiance is great with animals, and has really been working with him....

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Oh Boy, that is going to be a big change for Indy. I hope he does get on well with your fiancee once he realizes your not going to be home for a while. The important thing is your fiancee be very patient and understanding that Indy is going to feel abandoned and lonely.


Others that have gone through what you are about to, will hopefully chime in with their experiences.


Good luck and congratulations on landing a good job. :-)

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My take on this situation is different. You won'yt be there but another person who the bird is familiar with will be there. Your bird may not like this person but I doubt plucking will be an issue unless your bird is very high strung and a very nervous bird who is already used to plucking when problems arise. Right now, you have a general schedule with your bird and all you have to tell your boyfriend is to stick to that schedule throughout the day or evening or both. If you let your bird out of the cage and he always goes back to his cage when he feels like it whether your boyfriend is there or not, just tell your boyfriend to let the bird out the same way you do. If you have the type of bird that has to be constantly chased in order to go back into the cage, then your boyfriend can't let the bird out. If you have special trats that you give, tell your boyfriend to give those treats in the bird's bowl except that he should give extra treats. I've also seen the same situation with one person birds and a litytle extra attention made to the bird works many times. If your bird lets you take food and water bowls out of the cage when your hand goes in while the bird is in the cage, fine but if the bird gets nippy if your boyfriend tries to do the same thing, then tell your boyfriend to use the bowl doors to feed and water him. You need to think about all the birds that get rehomed all the time and are with new people. Very few start plucking because there's new owners.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/09/13 22:54

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