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African Grey , help please!


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Hi there


I am a new bird owner, I have a Congo African Grey Parrot, and he is 3 years old. He is a sweet guy, so gentle like to feel his head, can say a lot of words and variety of animal sounds he loves to learn.


I read a lot of parrots’ articles before getting Zooz. I understand what is it to have an African Grey, it’s a long term commitment and I am willing to take it.


I think if u knows how to train Greys they will be very interactive pets and u will enjoy living with them.


So I will do my best to learn and train Zooz and have it as a pet forever as they are true intelligent smart long living pets as far as I know.


Well I have 3 main questions:


* I want to introduce a different food (blend of fruits, nuts and legumes with Tropican) than I the one he is eating right now (sunflower Seeds). The issue here that he don’t know how to eat it for that he pick up the food try eating it then he leave it to fall apart.

* I got him a vitamin powder which can be solved in a water or mixed with his soft food. Is it good to use such vitamin?

* He keeps scratching himself is this normal? is it a habit? If not what should I do to avoid this? Can bath help? if yes How can I do it?



Hope things will go better cuz I really liked this parrot and I want him to be in a excellent condition to stay with me healthy living a luxurious, happy and entertaining life.


Thanks in advance

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Welcome! And honors to you for having Zooz pick you to take care of him.


I'd suggest that your top priority would be to get him off the sunflower seeds - they are like candy to birds with a very high fat content. I noticed a remarkable improvement once I got my birds off the seeds.


I'm sure you'll get other recommendations, but a high quality pellet like Roudybush and/or Harrison's will go a long way towards having a healthy bird that will be with you for a long time.


Talk to you vet before making the switch so they can show you how to monitor weight, etc. One of my Greys dropped from 550 grams to a stable weight of 508 once converted. And, he looks brilliant!


I would stay away from vitamin powders unless directed by a vet. Many here use palm oil supplements, which is very good. Too much of the wrong vitamin can send Greys into a tail spin.


The scratching is a normal part of bird behaviour, but too much is not a good thing. Do you give Zooz baths? If not, do so. The skin will get irritated and dry. Regular bathing (2-3 times/week for my birds) helps feathers and skin. Get a big ceramic dog bowl and fill with warmish water. They'll make a big mess splashing about, and scream with joy. Have towels ready to clean up the mess ;)


Just my opinion, but you asked for it. I'm sure others will chime in. Oh, and pics of Zooz would be quite welcomed!

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Thank you so much for your prompt response i really appreciate it.


You are right my top priority is food and i want to change his food but as i mentioned before when i change the food from the one he is eating right now (sunflower Seeds)he don’t know how to eat it for that he pick up the food try eating it then he leave it to fall apart. I think i have a quality brand of food you can see it in this link http://www.hagen.com/canada/english/birds/product.cfm?CAT=8&SUBCAT=809&PROD_ID=08806620010101


So how do I teach him to eat such food?


for the bath issue still i can let him come out of his cage is there any alternative way to give him a bath in his cage?


Thanks again for your response you have been helpful.



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Just continue to offer the foods he should be eating along with his seeds, then gradually over time give less and less of the seeds and more of the veggies, fruits, grains, legumes, nuts and pasta. If he is not used to eating these types of foods he will in time, the key is to keep offering them.


Another thing you can do is eat some of those foods in front of him, most greys are like children, if they see you eating something then they want some too, use that to your advantage to encourage him to try new things.


He should also be getting some pellets daily, a good quality pellet is recommended for about 50% of their daily diet, it contains vitamins and nutrients geared for parrot's optimal health.


It is normal for them to scratch and preen themselves but if he is doing it to an excess then maybe he needs bathing, most of us usually give our greys a bath about twice weekly or more often if molting. There is a product called aloe vera juice that you can buy by the gallon jug that you can spray on your bird, it helps to moisturize their skin and makes them feel better. It is available in the pharmacy department of Walmart.


If it has been a while since this bird has been seen by an avian vet then I would suggest you schedule one, he will check for abnormalities and usually take blood and run assorted tests to determine your bird's health, that will determine if any supplements are needed and an avian vet should be the judge of that.

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Thank you for the information.


I will go with your way to food i think its a useful method.


Do I understand that you give bath to your parrot by spraying aloe vera juice? If yes no walmart here can i get this juice form any pharmacy?


Anyway i will try to get such juice and will paste you its Ingredients.


Thanks in advance



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I take my grey into the shower stall and wet her down with the spray nozzle set on gentle then I finish her off with a spray of pure aloe vera juice. Some members spray their birds with a spray from a bottle to get their birds wet and some do it in a sink or tub, some even provide a large bowl in their cage for them to bathe in theirselves, try different ways and see what works.


You might check in drug stores where you live and see if the aloe vera juice is available.

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Dear All


Thank you so much for the information you have provided it was really helpful and i really appreciate it.


As a new bird owner please allow me to ask more question as I spend time with my smart Zooz CAG. to tell you the truth i started to have a bond which i hope will be strong one with Zooz.


I think he likes me a lot, every time i slide my hand in his cage he lower his head under my hand to rub him and he do this nice noise.


i managed to get some pictures of Zooz you can find them below please let me get your feed back on them.


For the food i did mix the seeds with the Tropmix i got which include the following:


- Fruits: papaya, pineapple, banana, coconut, raisins

- Nuts: Brazil nut, almond, walnut

- Seeds: flaked corn, whole corn, milo, wheat, sunflower kernel, dehulled pumpkin seed

- Vegetables: carrot, potato

- Legumes: cooked soybean, cooked chickpea, cooked green split peas, peanut kernel

- Others: Tropican sticks which contain 8 grains and nuts with vitamins and minerals


He is eating a very small portion rarely now and i think he will manage to eat it by time.


Concerning the bath issues i will try the spray method which i think its the most appropriate thing to do at this stage specially still i can get him out the Cage. Can i spray him with only water for that still i cant find Aloe Very Juice yet what i can find here in my region is Aloe Vera Oil.


Again i wanted to thank you again for your help.


Enjoy my pictures i think he is a pretty CAG right?


Post edited by: SKCAG, at: 2009/09/12 20:04<br><br>Post edited by: SKCAG, at: 2009/09/12 20:11


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Thank you all for the feedback, i am really happy knowing that you like my Zooz.



thanks for your effort in replying. Yes i found it on the Internet and will try to order it for that it says for USA & Canada ONLY.


I will try to find the juice locally and will come back to you with the update.


i will come to you all with new pictures and questions so please bear it with me, also i will subscribe to monthly magazine if you know a good one please let me know.



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This forum offers excellent advise in terms of how to modify your bird's diet.. on such advise i tried is this.. have the food that you want him to eat in front of him.. he will surely get anxious and start trying this.. here is my story which happened over the last couple of weeks..


i had to fly to india on an emergency during which my breeder who looked after chikki got him into seed foods.. and when i brought him home after just a week, he wouldnt have any of the healthy foods he used to.. i tried this method of eating in a plate in front of him, having rice and showing off my enjoyment, eating flakes/veggies/fresh fruits and he would be watching it.. his curiosity got the better of him and he soon wanted to have it.. offer it to him, and when he is about to grab, take it off his reach and eat it yourself.. after a couple of such drama sessions, he will be just ferocious to pounce on it the next time.. slowly, he started having a bite at all these.. and now he eats rice/flakes/harrisons/veggies a lot better than 2 weeks back.. and i have happily shifted his seed diet for just training sessions..


i bathe him everyday in shower.. because chikki was 2.5 months old when i got him it was easy for me to set it as a habit.. with a slightly older bird, you might have to take it a bit slowly.. but it does keep him healthier..

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Thank you Karunk


well right now i am mixing sunflower seeds with with other healthy food. I can say he is eating some and dropping the rest down. I think he will get used to it soon I hope so.


I tried today to give him fruits Pears but he keeps cutting a part of it from my hand and drop it down immediately, i dont know why. I did serve it right away from the fridge which means its cold. do i have to serve it after leaving it a while outside the fridge?


For bathing i put the cage outside and sprayed a warm water on him i think he liked that for that he keeps coming on to the side i am praying to and lifting up his wings. are these good signs meaning he is liking it?


thanks in advance



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Beautiful Cag :) My Cag also likes to tear food from my hands and throw it away...lol Mine tends not to like very cold things but honestly he throws the food away numerous times before I can get him to try something new. I try eating a piece myself too but if it is something he has not tried before, he thinks it is trying to attack him I think. If you can hold on to the piece of pear long enough to get him to actually taste it, he will probably eat it. It takes perseverance that is for sure :)

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Hello and welcome. Zooz is beautiful. If he is lifting up his wings when you are spraying him then he is enjoying it and wants you to get him wet under the wings and everywhere else. Many people here have birds that clamp their wings down tight and sulk through the whole bath so you're lucky Zooz knows a bath is a good thing! I am able to get aloe vera juice at health food stores here in Canada. I hope you're able to find it.


Dorian doesn't like his fruits and veggies cold, and he'll often fling them out of his dish if I haven't let them warm up to at least room temperature before I give them to him. Except blueberries. He loves them so much he'll eat them any time!

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Thank you all, you all have very nice CAGs too i really love this bird.


So now the bath issue is solved, that's wonderful i am so happy that he is liking it. well I live in Amman, Jordan (middle East Region) till now i cant find the Aloe Vera Juice, i am wondering if i can bath Zooz with alternative solution?


For the new food still he is throwing everything away other than sunflower seeds i think it needs time, or what do u think? Also for fruits i will keep trying to give him that everyday, hope he will accept it.


Other question please. how much time does he need to sleep i mean how many hours? and what is the best way for me to provide a comfortable healthy sleeping environment? i think this needs to be care off for its importance.


Thanks in advance



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