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Another new Grey mom here :)


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Thought it was time for me to jump in and post an introduction. My name is Michelle. I just brought my CAG home last Friday. Her (I think it's a her but I'm not sure) hatch date was July 19. I have been calling her Rose because of some extra red coloring on her chest and wings. I know she will most likely lose those red feather when she has her first molt.


I think she was a little young to come home but the store told me that she was weaned and ready. I had been visiting her every other day for the past few weeks so that she would get to know me before the big change in routine from the pet store to coming home. She does great with her pellets and is loving the sampling of fresh fruits and veggies I have been offering her. She still gets into the low position bobbing her head and flapping her wings like she is looking to be hand fed when I first take her out of her cage. I am wondering if I should supplement her with some type of spoon feeding. She seems to be eating fine, maybe she is just still going through the motions out of habit. Will it affect her psychologically that they weaned her so young?


Other then that she is doing great. I only have a rope perch in her cage for now that I have near the bottom of her cage because her clumsiness scares me. She has been playing with her toys and she is becoming more and more vocal by the day. In fact the other day my conure was doing his fox whistle which I am trying to change to the whistle I use to call the dogs. Well he is being stubborn, but now when he does the fox whistle, she does the other whistle. LOL


I am excited to get to know everyone here. I have been lurking for awhile and you all seem so nice and helpful. If there is anything you want to know about me just ask :)

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Hello Michelle and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could finally come on in and joing the fun and we look forward to hearing more about you and Rose.


Yes it is very likely that those red feathers will molt out but not always and maybe Rose will be one of the lucky ones and hers will stay, time will tell.


She is still a baby and yes she is just going thru the motions, if she is eating what you offer her then she is doing just fine. There is no set age at which they wean, some do so at younger than others but if the pet store said she was weaned then she is.


Thats great that you left her perches low in her cage until she gets more adept at climbing and perching, they are sort of clumsy when at this age and you can move them higher when she is ready.


You mention a conure, what kind of conure do you have and do you have any other birds or parrots?


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have some of Rose you would share with us we would love to see her red feathers.

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Thank you for the warm welcome Judy. I only have the one other bird. My conure is a Sunday Conure. His name is Skittles, named by my 3 year old who calls him "his bird". Skittles is a very active little guy who is into everything. We have had him for almost a year now. He is fully flighted and will fly around the house seeking me out when he is out of his cage. I am hoping that one day him and Rose will be friends but for now we are dealing with a lot of jealously issues.


In addition to the birds, we have 3 dogs, Amber Jazzy and Sydney and three cats, Elmo, Comet and Keiba. And I must not forget my human babies, Justin, Andrew Daniel and Alex. I will post some pictures of Rose soon, she is hard to photograph because she will not sit still for a second but here are some of my oldest son and Skittles.

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Thank you everyone for the warm welcome.


Skittles is definitely a character. He is currently at the bottom of his cage giving hell to a ball with a bell in it. Throwing it around, squawking at it and trying to drown it in his water dish. Rose is just looking at him like he is insane :laugh:

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