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A warning to all in England


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The new telephone 'scam' has arrived. I received a call from a 'representative' of BT,informing me that he was dis-connecting me because of an unpaid bill. He demanded payment immediately of £31.00 , or it would be £ 118.00 to re-connect at a later date. The guy wasn't even fazed when I told him I was with Virgin Media, I asked the guy's name - the very 'English'John Peacock with a very 'African' accent - & phone number - 0800 0800 152. Obviously the fella realized I wasn't believing his story, so offered to demonstrate that he was from BT. I asked how & he told me to hang up & try phoning someone - he would dis-connect my phone to prevent this. AND HE DID !! My phone was dead - no engaged tone, nothing - until he phoned me again. Very pleased with himself, he asked if that was enough proof that he was with BT. I asked how the payment was to be made & he said credit card, there & then. I said that I didn't know how he'd done it, but Ihad absolutely no intention of paying him , I didn'tbelieve his name or that he worked for BT. He hung up. Did 1471 & phoned his fictitious 0800 number - notrecognised. I phoned the police to let them know , I wasn't thefirst! It's only just started apparently but it isescalating. Their advice was to let as many people know byword of mouth of this scam. The fact that the phone does go off would probably convince some people it's real, so please let as many friends & family aware of this. This is good but not that clever. He gave the wrong number - it should have been 0800 800152 which takes you through to BT Business. The cutting off ofthe line is very simple , he stays on the line with the mute button on and you can't dial out - but he can hear to trying (This is because the person who initates a call is the one to terminate it). When you stop trying he cuts off and immediately calls back. You could almost be convinced! The sad thing is that it is so simple that it will certainly fool the elderly and vulnerable. Please pass this on to friends and family and be on your guard.


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Sadly a lot of people will be fooled into thinking this is a real deal, why there are so many people out there willing to do such deeds to make a dishonest dollar but their day is coming and it isn't in a courtroom either, thanks Bernie for alerting our English members to yet another scam. Karma from me too.

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Thanks Bernie,I will pass this on to as many people as I can.Just think ,they would have your card details and could wipe accounts out in no time. One bit of advise I wish to add if I may is than nobody should give card details on the phone unless they phone the company involved themselves.Never to anyone who phones you.

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Thanks for this Bernie - there is far too much of this going on and I feel that the actual phone companies aren't doing enough to stop it.


I hope you've all joined the caller's preference service - I now receive absolutely NO cold calls - when before I received at least 1 - 2 per night.

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Goodness me! Bernie - you are more informative that the BBC!! I was watching the telly this morning and guess what was featured - just what you've described!!


They said that the police wanted to know of any instances - it seems it's from Yorkshire downwards - they're too scared to try it on with us hard people up here in the North!!! :laugh:

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