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I am new to this form and love what I see,I enjoy looking at all the pictures and getting ideas.I just bought my grey a few months ago she is enjoying her new home.She is 6 years old. She was before locked in a room with no contact at all I felt so sorry for her so I rescued her.Now she is part of our family of birds.I am sure she is a female as she like males more.I guess I am just not her right kind of sex.We love her so much,she is a great addition.I am still learning alot about greys but have a good understanding of them.She sure will talk up a storm with us and just LOVES all the attention that she was missig before.

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Hello Teaka and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your new to you grey.


I am so pleased you could give this bird a new home, how awful to be closed up in a room with no human contact, she must be starved for some love and attention, so glad you are providing her with that.


Please do read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have some of her you would share with us we would appreciate it.


BTW, what is her name?

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Her name is Teaka she is so sweet I dont understand how people could not pay attention to her.They said she will get on your nervous but really all she is doing is her natural self,like how birds are suppose to be.Teaka and my Quaker can carry on a really good conversation alot of the time.Tommorow is going to be her first toe nail cutting as she has one toe that she was born with that is defected and the nail grows upwards but doesent bother her at all,I waited a few months till she knows we will never hurt her. A good friend of mine who is a breeder is going to do her nails and wings as really I am not sure how it will go.Also will cut a few feathers on her wings as I would love to take her outside just like my other ones.She deserves the best.What really gets me so annoyed is you always see people selling birds,that had no idea at the start how to care for them.They are just like little humans need alot of attention 24/7 I just wish there was some way to stop people from buying birds that have no idea.Teaka has her second chance and she will never be rehomed again as she is now in our family to stay.I just dont understand why birds are always getting re homed and neglected.I wish they would read or go to forms before purchasing a bird as a pet do some research.I have put photos on my home page.

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Teaka wrote:

What really gets me so annoyed is you always see people selling birds,that had no idea at the start how to care for them.They are just like little humans need alot of attention 24/7 I just wish there was some way to stop people from buying birds that have no idea.Teaka has her second chance and she will never be rehomed again as she is now in our family to stay.I just dont understand why birds are always getting re homed and neglected.I wish they would read or go to forms before purchasing a bird as a pet do some research.I have put photos on my home page.


You know why, people go into pet stores and places with birds and see how cute and adorable they are and they buy them on a whim without thinking what they need and how to take care of them. All they see is a pretty bird that talks and entertains plain and simple.


I am so pleased that Teaka has found a new forever home and you will be so blessed for it.

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