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Biting ...


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My parrot Kashmira is 18 months old. She's normally such a happy little thing but recently she has started to bite me quite out of the blue and quite hard as well?


I don't really understand what's changed, but it's quite upsetting for me as she won't even come near me now and this has literally come out of nowhere?


Any advice?



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Think about any changes that have been made to the house or yourself.At 18 months Kashmira is now showing independance and may no longer need or want the attention she did a s a baby. Pay close attention to her body language and learn to understand when she wants to be left alone,they do sometimes want this.Has she become closer to another member of the family,they can change who the preferred person is and that person may be the only one allowed certain privilages such as petting.Try and avoid situations where you know she will bite eg if she bites when removing her from the cage let her come out on her own .

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