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terrible twos


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I think Tobie is having some issues. He has become willful. Last night he came running (gamboling) across the top of the couch like he does when he feel playful. When he reached my hand he did his "kung foo" impersonation with his head swinging back and forth and proceeded to bite my finger -- hard. I did what I was supposed to do, I guess, and ignored it. He started to run back to the other end of the sectional and then turned back to me and put his head down to be petted, but then he acted like it irritated him and he backed off and ran to the other end of the couch. A little later he came to my end of the couch and plucked my glasses off before I knew it. I retreived the glasses and he snatched them off my face again. I got them away and then we had issues with him trying to chew my pants zipper and my shirt until I had to put him on the T-stand. Today he was back to his sweet little self. Is this kind of what others have seen as the terrible twos syndrome? Is it starting?

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Sorry to laugh, but this sounds so familiar. Rangi used to do it to me, sit on the back of the couch and then out of the blue race down the couch and bite my arm. I also just ignored it and told him not to bite. He would then run across the couch to my boyfriend and mess with him, same thing the ziper and buttons. I just took him off straight away and put him back on my couch. Didn't make a big deal of it.


He now does this thing with my boyfirend by getting as close to him as possible and waits for my boyfriend to touch him and then he bites him. My boyfriend understood that so didn't touch him, but Rangi being Rangi would again get close and when my boyfriend didn't touch him Rangi would touch my boyfriend on purpose and then oh you touched me and he would bite my boyfriend.


Rangi also went through a phase of flying to my hand and immediately biting it hard. That lasted for about a month and then it was over he didn't do it again.


Kea is nearly 2 and is also having her willful stage. The not wanting to go back in the cage, flying to the head and pretending to bite. I just smile at her and tell her very calmly not to try it on as I am not having it. My boyfriend says Kea is the boss of the house when I am not home.

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Nooooooo! Can you not all just pretend (just for me) that this doesn't happen!! Harvey's bad enough now at 8 months - I really don't need any acceleration in his behaviour thanks!!


I'm hoping that in 16 months time I'll be sitting here saying "what a bunch of fools, what on earth were they talking about - what a sweet, gentle, quiet, timid baby Harvey still is.........!) :laugh:

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I guess this means a grey is a grey is a grey! You have all just described Alfie to a T! It's as if you know her! Jane08 - I'm just kind of going through the biting thing you descibed with Rangi - I'm very encouraged by you saying, once it was over it didn't happen again - I haven't had a bite now for around 10 days........!

Jan, what you said about Tobie gamboling across the top of the couch, we get that on a daily basis, and she does the "kung foo" head aswell - I say her head swings like that because of all the nonsense in it!! You see it and just know there is trouble on the way!!

At just over 19 months maybe Alfie is having her terrible twos early - please don't let them last the next 50 years!!

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What are you all talking about, Josey never did really have the "terrible twos" stage, she has been pretty consistent thru out her 3+ years.


Almost forgot she did get a little hyper over a ball toy on the bed the other night and nipped my toe, I think she thought I was going to take her ball away, I did for she was trying to gurge for it, no no that ain't happening, not on my bed:sick: :laugh:

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Oh Jan, Tobie is definitely showing the little stinker of a 2 year old.


Dayo does not do any slick "Kung Foo" moves. He just acts like everything fine, then nails you!! Well, me most the time and only Kim if she "Agitates" him by stopping him from doing something.


To tell you just how much of a Brat Dayo has become in the last few Months and POSSESIVE.


This is just one of many incidents:


Dayo flies over to the "Important" paper and stuff counter, which is OFF LIMITS and he gets removed IMMEDIATELY everytime. Well, he flew over, ran to the back of the counter, plucked a pair of nail trimmers out of a holding bowl, then flew straight up to his favorite perch.


I of course am not letting him keep them so I reach up to take away. He runs, ducks weaves etc. But, I take them and turn around to place them back in the bowl.


He flies to the middle of my back, pinches the hell out of the back of my neck then flies off.:pinch:


Add another few "Human" attributes to a Grey as they mature.... Anger, Possessiveness and Retaliation!!

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