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Need a little guidance


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I just recently was given a 7 year old african grey. Her name is BB(short for Busy Body) and is a great addition to my family. She was hand raised from an egg, so she is very gently with my wife and me. I am a little concerned because everytime I take her out she does one of thwo things. She will either attempt to regurgitate food and feed it to my hand, while making a very helpless whimpering sound or bite at her nails on either foot. Im not sure if either of these two actions ar nervous habits because she's getting used to her new surroundings or if this should be a cause for medical concerns. If anyone can give me any help or tips it would be greatly appreciated.

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Hello Bphillips and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and BB.


What you are describing is perfectly normal behavior. She loves you, thats why she is reguritating for you, its a high honor, the nicest compliment from a grey but accept her gifts and try to distract her to something else. Some people view this as disgusting but it is the way they show affection for their mate in their natural habitat.


You really do need to read thru the many threads here for lots of useful information, it will answer some of the obvious questions you will have and we will help you in any way we can.


She sounds like a normal grey but if she has not been seen by an avian vet in the last year or so I would schedule one for her.


We love pictures here so if you have some of BB you would share with us we would appreciate it.

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Welcome Bphillips03 and BB!!!


It sounds like you have a very well socialized 7 year old grey there that is a little nervous in the new and letting letting you know she is friendly and just wants to join the flock.


Just reassure BB and let her get used to the new home, surroundings and people.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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