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Grey having seizure type thing.. HELP!! EMERGENCY!


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hi there. i live in Maldives and there are NO vets here. Its a small country with only 300,000 population. Anyways, I know some of you would be thinking, why the hec would I buy a grey if there are no vets here and if you can't give it the proper care or medical attention. The answer is quite simple. Some people brought some African Grey eggs and hatched them and started breeding them. They don't really care about what would happen to the greys. I saw a very cute little grey and wanted it. Even if I didn't buy him, someone would, and he still wouldn't have veterinary care and who knows how someone would treat him. so i bought him and have been taking care of him for a month now. He is 8 weeks old (I'm assuming as the breeder didn't even know his age!). I put him in a now cage and made sure there isn't any drafts coming into it and made the cage warm and stuff.


Today when I woke up, my grey keeps stretching his right leg and falling on his left. then he keeps fluttering and kicking trying to get up. and he breathes quite heavily afterwards. it happened a couple of times. i held him all through that and now he seems fine.


Please help me! what the hec is going on with it? What should I do?

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No need to explain why you have a Grey. Everyone in captivity needs a loving home.


You REALLY need to get to a vet to have your Grey checked out. Any treatment recommendations at this point would be just guessing and that is dangerous.


Each minute you delay could be the difference between life and death to your Grey. Even if is a days drive, each minute counts.

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What a terrible predicament - I presume the way out of the Maldives is only by sea plane? I'm sure it would be very expensive to get to the nearest mainland (which I presume would be South Africa) - and I'm not sure of the quarantine issues surrounding this either.


This is a terrible, terrible situation and my heart goes out to you. Dan's obviously correct - your bird needs a vet - but I think that for you this is impossible. :(

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well.. the nearest vet is probably in india. I have to take a plane there. but as Maldives doesn't have a vet, the bird would have a health certificate. therefore, i cannot bring the bird into any country. the breeder doesn't even know about this as much as i do. i read two whole books on african grey care. i am trying to bring a vet here. but as this is a very small country, i doubt anybody would come.

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How about calling an avian vet in another country and asking for help over the telephone? Or if there is no help available, looking on the internet for information on seizures in birds. This of course is the action of desperation and last resort. Good luck, I hope you are able to help your sweet grey.

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Sorry - was thinking about mauritius in my geography. Would you be able to post a bulletin at one of the hotels on your island - I know it's an extreme long shot, but perhaps there could be a vet on holiday with you - I know how popular the maldives is. Please keep us informed of how you are doing x

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thanks for your help.. he seems fine now. it didnt happen today. i think he was overheated or something. I'l try to find a vet again. the thing is, Maldives has a lot of luxurious exclusive resorts. they wouldn't let me go there. it costs like $4000 a nite or sumthing! i cant afford it at all! :| and the resorts are islands which are quite far from Male' (the capital city of Maldives).

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Glad to hear you've had a better day - I would definitely try and find a vet that you could call for advice. I understand the problems of going to the hotels - I thought you may have had a friend who worked in one, or links to one at least.


I'd still keep an eye on him though - but hopefully you're through the worst.

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