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In Loving Memory of Nini


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Sorry I haven't been on here in a while, school is taking over my life..


I just wanted to post a tribute to my sweet loving kitty who got killed the other night. Nini was such a friendly cat, she would greet anyone who came over. I adopted her and her sister when they were just little kittens, she was only 8 years old when she died. A car hit and killed her the other night and left her for dead on the side of the road. I am very upset about this. What kind of person kills a cat and just leaves her there without saying anything to anybody?!?! It happened right in front of my neighbors house and when they got home that night they ran over to my moms house and told her. There was blood all over the road and she was cold by the time my mom got to her so she was laying there for a while. Her sister was laying there with her too. :( My mom wrapped her in a blanket and buried her in the backyard. I feel so bad my mom had to see her like that. Whoever did this will pay for it one day because KARMA is a B*TCH!!!


RIP Sweet NINI!! I will never forget you.:(

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