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Camilla's Announcement


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The chicks have moved from prehistoric-looking babies to adolescent Congo African Grey parrots. Here's a set of pictures of the chicks, taken on December 12th. I setup the full studio set and the babies obliged with a wonderful set of poses. The following are four of my favorites.


Chickie One at 10 weeks old, stretching her wings




Chick Two at 9-1/2 weeks striking a calming pose for the camera





Chick Three at 9 weeks with a rapid flight movement




A close portrait of Chick Three at 9 weeks old



I thought these pictures would be a nice closeout for this thread. I've enjoyed bringing this journey to the forum and am looking for the next subject to start up.


The webcams are still running, and my site is always being updated with new pictures and updates.


As always, Enjoy!

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I would personally like to thank you Dave - I have followed Camilla, Gonzo and the three stooges right through and loved every minute.


You don't have to let us into your bird's lives as you have done and I thank you very, very much for giving me the opportunity to watch them grow. I shall be sad to see them go to new homes - but perhaps you can let their new owners have them on the proviso that they join Grey Forums and keep us updated on "our babies".


Thanks again Dave - I've loved every moment. :kiss:

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Dave, you have given us a tremendous gift to watch Camilla and Gonzo from the first egg in the box to three beautiful, robust, healthy birds. They are breathtaking and so much fun to watch in between taking care of our own birds at home. Three families are going to be very fortunate to pass muster to get approval to adopt one of these adorable and well socialized babies. Thanks again for sharing this journey with us on the forum.

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Haha! Yeah, you're right!


Gonzo and Camilla's newest clutch is in the brooder as of yesterday afternoon. The two babies are very healthy and are now taking formula with earnest.


Camilla's October clutch are doing very well. We've decided to keep the first of that clutch, a wonderful female that's a knockoff of her mother. She took the name Gabriella - Gabi for short. The name is very appropriate as she is chattering all the time. Gabi is a lovely lady in her own condo in the nursery for now.


Her brother and sister and looking for new homes, and we have some interest in them. However, we are being very picky about who they go home with.


I do have to say there was a third egg in the latest clutch that didn't hatch. Examining it shows the egg was viable but the chick didn't hatch. Kinda sad, but knowing that nature knows what it's doing. Meanwhile, we get to enjoy two new additions to the nursery.




And Jill, thanks for sharing!!

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Ha Ha! Dave thinks he can lock us out of his life, but no! Bad luck mate - you're stuck with us (well, definitely me - I'm like your own private stalker)!!!!!


My colleague caught me talking to the computer today at work while I was looking at the brooder - boy, I obviously have it bad :laugh:

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