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Camilla's Announcement


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Thanks for taking more pictures of these little greys. He knows he is a star! Someone is going to be very lucky to take one of these beautiful babies, they have had a world class start in life. Thanks for letting us in to see how baby greys are tended and cared for by the parent birds and by a caring breeder.

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Thanks all! I'm having a grand time with the chickies. We did, however, get tired of them wearing their dinner and decided to give them their first full bath. They emerged from their spa treatment with new fluffy down and shiny-smooth feathers. After her effort in cleaning up the clutch, my wife wants to make dinner bibs for them :P




Needless to say, these birds have no issue with towel time.


The oldest has hit the seven week mark, with the youngest eight days behind. Their weight ranges from 365 grams to the second chick's 402 grams.


We also sent samples off for DNA sexing, and hope to have results back soon. We've guessed the sex of each bird and are waiting anxiously to get the results.


Meanwhile, we continue to enjoy the entertainment.


Chickie_One-02.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Spinner, at: 2009/11/23 04:48

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Those pictures are going to be lovely in a baby series for the new homes. You and your wife are so good to them. Just a couple of days ago, I was watching them and all they had were a little row of red pinfeathers and today it looks like their little red tailfeathers are an inch long. They grow so fast on the outside but are still little babies for a long time to come. Thanks for showing us their first full drenching. What beautiful babies.

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Wanted to let those that are still following the babies that they have graduated from the brooder to the cage condo. I'll have the webcam relocated today. The chicks are doing fantastic, at seven and eight weeks old with full wing plummage and averaging 407 grams. They are learning to perch at ground level and love the additional room in the cage.




...the cycle begins again - Camilla laid the first egg of her next clutch this morning!



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What a sigh of relief this morning when I saw the little ones in the new cage. I kept telling myself you must have moved them and didn't want to ask, but have been going to the web cam several times a day to check and there the little guys are this morning. Wow to Camilla laying another egg, I thought they only had one clutch a year, shows how little I know about the breeder side of our favorite little grey birds. Congratulations on getting the little ones into a cage and on your new addition. They really keep you busy.

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These are such great pictures of your cute little lot! I sooo wish I had known Alfie at this age, but at least seeing these pics, I can imagine how she would've been! Thanks so much for sharing this incredible journey with us, and congratulations on the egg! Here we go again!!

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Dave - I have just had a peek and they are now soooooo agile! There's one that just keeps jumping up and onto the perch, over the perch, back onto the perch! What on earth am I telling you for! It's in your house!!! :laugh:


Camilla was having a nice little snooze too - I'm keeping an eye on her too!! ;)

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We're having a grand time with the chicks now that they are moving from the chick to bird stage. They are all taking a step up on a finger or hand but haven't yet figured out why we keep saying "up." :lol: If you go online and don't see the chicks in their cage, it's likely because we've got them out and are playing with them on the floor.


We put a ladder from their current cage (the lowest in the condo) to the floor - they are having great fun climbing up and sliding down on it. Rather amazing what they'll entertain themselves with.


They are getting about half their food from pellets and veggies in their bowl or by hand, well on their way towards a healthy weaning.


We're having to prepare to face the prospect of the chicks finding new homes. This is one of the hardships with raising baby greys, and we'll be very picky about their new caretakers.


Meanwhile, Camilla is on three eggs now and is letting Gonzo know he needs to quit playing around and bring in some food.


Enjoy! We are!

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