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Too quiet to talk?


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Yoshi is just about 5 months old and extremely settled and happy... yet so quiet! We hardly know he is there if we aren't in the room and even Saturday, sleeping in till 12, no peap from him. The only time he calls out is when we are walking away from him and he wants to come with, lol.


Just wondering, could this mean that he won't want to learn to talk? He always seems to listen to everything, lol, but never makes much sound himself.


I was worried that he never played with his toys, even though we have provided a big variety... but I have seen him nibble at two of them for a couple minutes now, and pull a string off of his shredder... so maybe he likes them after-all, just likes being out of his cage with us more :P

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Is Yoshi eating fine and pooping and interacting with the family? My gray is a rather quiet grey and just likes to be with me. She has always been quiet but loves to chew on her toys and play with them. She started talking at about 10 months. What I am saying is although she is a quiet bird she is a busy fid. Without seeing your grey it is hard to give advice. If you are concerned about your grey, I would seek the advice of an avian vet to be on the safe side.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/09/09 01:12

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He eats a ton and poops a ton lol... still weaning off of formula too although it seems like he will never give up his nightly session of formula. He seems really happy, likes pistachios, is asleep on top of his cage with a foot up right now behind me


No he hasn't been to the vet... breeder said there was no need unless I could see a problem.

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All greys are individuals and some are more quiet than others but your baby has plenty of time to start talking, he could be just taking it all in and when he is ready he will start sounding off. If he is eating and acting normal in all other ways then I wouldn't worry.

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Don't worry Jess . Yoshi sounds fine. He is sitting there soaking it all up. As long as you talk to him and he hears other people talking he will go over what he has heard and eventually he will start talking. Many Greys like to practice in private at first. Does he whistle at all ? Misty has a particular contact whistle that we exchange when we are out of sight of each other. Some people say that it is not a good idea to whistle with your Grey as he will be less inclined to talk. I don't believe this to be true. The important thing is to exchange communication of all kinds and then Human speech will become part of his natural repertoire.

At five months Yoshi is just a toddler. I expect the time will soon come when you will wonder if he will ever shut up. :laugh: Enjoy your peaceful time while you can:)


Steve N Misty

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Alright, thanks guys :P I won't worry about it, and hopefully he will talk eventually :P


The whistling thing is something I'm confused about really. The breeder stressed not to whistle to him until he is talking... and I thought that was a little doubtfull that whistling damages their inclination to talk... but I haven't done it at all just in case.

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Hi jessdecutie18,


Whistle all you want, Cosmo (my male CAG) whistled before he spoke. Your's will speak in time. Just try to spend as much quality time with your CAG, and he/she will start yakking it up. But be careful what you wish for. Cosmo imitates everything I say, sometimes he won't shut up. :P He won't let me watch T.V. most of the time!

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I'm just going to ask...can Yoshi hear? Does she respond to sounds at all? If so, then, I would say everyone else is right on. My vet said to me when I took Finnigan in right after I got her, "well, she can hear, AG's are prone to deafness". I had never heard that before and have never seen anything on it really, but have no real reason to doubt what she said. Anyway, if she responds to sounds, then she is just calm, if not, I might check with the vet. An intersting read from this site about a deaf grey, but it seems like a fluke more than a normal happening.


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Thankfully yes Yohsi can hear for sure... she responds to all sounds just usually doesn't say anything herself. That's really interesting though Christina about having a deaf grey. The link you provided is blocked here at work but I'll check it out when I get home :)


Well maybe I'll start trying to teach him to wolf whistle :P But my husband will probably think I'm nuts :P

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Schroeder was a pretty quiet baby too, he is still much quieter than most greys, but he does manage to get a few words out here and there :) and he can whistle mozart when he is in the mood. I wouldnt worry about it. Having some peace and quiet is really nice.


Buddy (my senegal) on the other hand, wont shut up. He he isnt talking to us and reminding us what a "good good good good boy" he is, he is screaming at his toys.


Long term, I think Schroeder will have less responsibility for our loony bin bills as we age.

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jessdecutie18 wrote:

The breeder stressed not to whistle to him until he is talking... and I thought that was a little doubtfull that whistling damages their inclination to talk... but I haven't done it at all just in case.


I whistled return calls to Dayo from the moment he started contact calling (not the little peeps when they want you). Dayos contact call, which comes naturally to them is basically a "Wolf Whistle". They will learn whistles of all types, including songs, imitate microwave beeps, alarms, phone etc. way before they start talking normally.


Dayo never said a word until a year old. He was also a very "quite" baby until about 6 months old. Then he realised he had a brain and desires of his own.....LOL


You can tell I did a GreYt job of nipping his own personality coming out in the bud. :P


So whistle to your hearts content. The only caution I have is be prepared to listen to them sometimes at HIGH VOLUME. :-)

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I love whistling at Harvey - and he too whistles back. I read all that about not whistling as your grey won't talk - but after all the advice on here I realised it was rubbish. Actually, saying that, he still doesn't talk :laugh: - he's only 8 months old though - I'm not worried!


Whistle away - Harvey's just about mastered an English nursery rhyme! ;)

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