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Long John Silver!


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An unusual occurrence over the last two nights!


Harvey has climbed up on my shoulder, snuggled into my neck and hasn't actually moved for the last 25 minutes. I am not touching him, nor talking to him, he's just tucked there!


He's had his tea, watched me make our dinner, "helped" me make his veggies for tomorrow and now he's stiller than a statue.


Has he turned the corner and decided to become the well behaved, polite mannered, cuddly snuggly that I've craved for?


Nah, didn't think so either!! Wait for installment part two methinks!!! :laugh:

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JillyBeanz wrote:

An unusual occurrence over the last two nights!<snip>Has he turned the corner and decided to become the well behaved, polite mannered, cuddly snuggly that I've craved for?


Nah, didn't think so either!! Wait for installment part two methinks!!! :laugh:


Buuuuuaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahaha, YOU CALLED THAT RIGHT!!!! :P :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :side: :side: :side: :side: :side:

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Installment 2!


Well, this evening Harvey had a shower. He's come downstairs, standing on the top of his cage - screaming! He's possessed! I expect his head to spin at any moment.


He's been upstairs, downstairs, through every room - and the latest was as I was typing this he was on his playstand and flung himself at the conservatory window (which he's never done before)!


He's joined me now and is chuntering and whistling away - oh yes, now on my shoulder, but not in the quiet sense! I'm looking forward to keeping my earlobe attached. He's now on my head!


Clearly he'd had his mates around last night and was a little tired. Damn! Didn't last did it (like we all expected it to!!) :evil:

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