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Daisy the TAG

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I am new here and a new Grey owner I have a female tag from a breeder. I had the best experience with my breeder and she really socialized daisy with other birds and 4 kids a couple of dogs and cats. Daisy is 4 months old and absolutely nothing bothers her. I have heard stories that greys scream and bite but Daisy is a complete joy. I hope I continue to be lucky with her being so good. This site has been a great help. I was prepared for much worse but I do not believe in many of the methods people use with their parrots. I treat Daisy like a regular person and so far my experience has been perfect. She has been at my house for a week and was a little clumsy at first but she knows the house and her cage upside down and backwards.

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Hello Mike and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Daisy.


I'm so glad to hear your first experience with a grey is going great but you are still in the honeymoon phase right now so don't be surprised if it does not continue to go so well. Greys are notorious for being afraid of new things but the babies do handle it very well, most as they age a little become more afraid of new things such as new toys.


Some breeders do an excellent job of socializing their babies and you are one of the lucky ones but part of it depends on the personality of the individual grey and you will see more of that personality as time goes by.


Please continue to read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We do love pictures here so if you have some of Daisy you would share with us we would very much like to see them.

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Hi Mike congratulations on becoming a grey parront. Daisy sounds like a lovely TAG. I have a TAG also, Ana Grey, and she is now a year old. She is fearless. I too was lucky enough to find a breeder who totally socialized her babies and for that I am eternally grateful. I would love to see some pictures of your new baby. Welcome to the grey family.

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