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I had quite a scare today


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There is good news and bad...


The good is that Argyle is getting used to us, biting much less and when he does it's not as painful :ohmy: also today he let me do head scratches, closing his eyes whilst enjoying the pleasure :laugh:


The bad news is that Argyle & Beau aren't exactly hitting it off. Today whilst they were out together whoever Argyle landed on, Beau decided he was having none of it and was dive-bombing him, they kept flying at each other almost colliding in mid-air at one stage and both crash landing in various parts of the rooms. We put Beau back in his cage and Argyle insisted on landing on top of Beau's cage rather than his own, even after covering the top with a blanket, Argyle then did his best to crawl underneath and then of course Beau tried to peck at him - not good and not easy keeping them apart. :(


Seperate outings then I guess :(<br><br>Post edited by: Joolesgreyuk, at: 2009/09/07 20:47

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I hope things settle down Julie.

Beau maybe feeling jelous at the moment or maybe they wont get along, I really hope they will though.


You know my situation, two birds that get on, two that dont. I seperate them as much as I can now and always supervise them.


Fingers crossed it will get slightly easier for you:)

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Thats great that Argyle is biting less but give it more time for things to settle down between Beau and Argyle, it is still early in their relationship and maybe they need more time to establish their relationship, I'm betting they will calm down soon and at least tolerate each other.

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That s scary when you see that type of action.


Since both are flighted, each can get away from the other. As Judy said, they will work out this on their own with your supervision to ensure no one gets hurt.


It took a while for our Grey and Conure to work out a semi-relationship. But, the smaller bird can fly away swiftly and turn faster than the Grey to stay away from harms way.

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It is early days yet,I guess it could go either way.How about letting them out together of an evening as it is going dark and they are getting sleepy,that may help them become a bit more settled till they get aquainted better.

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