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Mystery solved and a sweet life cut short


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At the start of last week, Chimay had begun to add a higher pitched throaty sound to his "practice vocabulary." This, I assumed, was the beginnings of him taking on the sound of my voice. Until then, we had thought that all of his mumblings were taking on the tone of my boyfriend's voice. Naturally I was very excited and encouraged him to keep practicing! I didn't tell my boyfriend about it at first because I wanted him to be surprised by it just like I was.


He finally did hear it for the first time a couple of days ago, and asked me "why is Chimay making noises like a strangled cat?" I was a little offended since my voice does NOT resemble that of a distressed cat, and responded "you mean you don't think he sounds like me?" He said "not at all, you sound fine. It's CHIMAY that is making weird cat noises." Puzzled, I waited patiently for the next time he made the mystery sound.


It finally happened yesterday, and to my surprise the sound that I had thought sounded like the beginnings of my own voice DID evolve into the sound of a cat crying out. How in the world did he pick this up??? We have no cats, nor do any of our neighbors. The only conclusion I could come to was that he'd picked up the sound of a cat via the television or radio while we were not around.


The actual truth came to us today. Early this afternoon, we were on the couch watching a Law and Order marathon when my boyfriend turned to me asking if I heard a cat outside. Muting the television, I heard nothing and dismissed it as background noises on the show we were watching. We continued watching our show, when the noise became louder. By this time my boyfriend had fallen asleep and I muted the television. Sure enough, it WAS the sound of a cat. A cat in trouble. I ran outside to find the most ADORABLE little kitten cowering underneath one of our neighbors' cars. She came right out to me, friendly as could be. Her ears/eyes/nose appeared clean and she had no visible signs of fleas. She was a little on the skinny side but otherwise looked very healthy. Still afraid of touching her and bringing any ickies into the house I allowed her to rub against my shoe a few times before heading inside.


I told my boyfriend that he'd been right about there being a cat outside. THAT must be where Chimay picked up this mysterious noise from!!!! We finally had our answer. The kitten continued to cry and cry and cry, twisting my heart strings with each one. We went outside for a smoke where I introduced my boyfriend to the new arrival. With his severe allergy to cats he admired from afar, but agreed that she seemed to be a very sweet little girl. Before settling back inside I made sure to bring out some cool water for her to drink (we really have no cat friendly food in our house). She gulped it right down.


When back inside I called and left messages with our local cat rescue and Capital Area Humane Society, asking for a callback to see what it would take to get them out here to collect the little sweetie and find her the loving home she deserved. Then I made a mental note to stop off at Petsmart for a sample bag of kitten chow to help tide her over until a rescue could arrive. Feeling excitement for the hopeful happy ending waiting for the little girl, we continued on with our Sunday.


After an hour or two, I decided to get in my car to go pick up a card of encouragement to send out to my brother (he's in boot camp for the US Coast Guard) as well as the sample bag of kitten chow. Just as I was pulling forward to exit the parking lot, I passed a parking space that was about three away from where my car was and I slammed my breaks. Lying dead in the parking space was the sweet little kitten we'd befriended hours earlier.


I pulled into the space next to her and got out of my car. I'm not sure what I really wanted to do at that point. My boyfriend called out to me to find out what was going on and I told him. He knows what an incredibly soft spot I have for animals and he rushed outside. He gave me a hug and encouraged me to get back into my car, get the cards for my brother that need to be sent and he would take care of her. He knew the longer I hung around the more emotional I would get over her.


I came home from the store and she was gone. Just so disheartening. She couldn't have been more than 12 weeks old, and deserved to die fat, happy, and old in someone's loving home. Not so long before her time and on the hot blacktop of some parking lot.


Rest in peace little Kitty-Doe. Thank you for teaching my Chimay how to meow...at least that little piece of you will live on for a long time.<br><br>Post edited by: chimaysmommy, at: 2009/09/07 02:26

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OMG what a sad story, poor little kitten never had a chance to have a loving home and family, I would have been right there bawling my eyes out, I do love cats and would have given that little one a home. So sad, so so sad but at least the mystery of how Chimay learned to meow like a cat is solved, thanks for sharing it with us, tissue anyone.:(

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I'm really sorry for the sad post guys...I don't like to be a debbie-downer, but I just had to vent. I've NEVER in my life seen a kitty in that state before. It was just too much to take in to think that just an hour and a half before that I was letting her massage my Crocs shoe....can I add that she had the LOUDEST purr for her tiny little size??? The thought that keeps coming to my mind is that Chimay had been at his window-tree the whole time so whatever happened to that little kitty, Chimay must have saw it happen.


And I'm ANGRY too....that sweet little kitty could have made a FANTASTIC pet for someone. She clearly loved to be around people as much as she could, and wanted to play play PLAY!


There are too many of these kitties out there.<br><br>Post edited by: chimaysmommy, at: 2009/09/09 00:18

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