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Biscotti's first week home pic's


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Hi everyone, Biscotti has been home 1 week now and I have to say I am completely in love! :) He is a really sweet cuddle bug, loves to be petted & cuddle under my neck. He has scared the H* out of me with his flying, quite the little kamikazee pilot! He is doing much better with the flying but the landings are still pretty bad. I am so worried he is going to hurt himself!

He does choose to fly to me & land on my arm most of the time now, I hope he will keep that up.

I have been weighing him & he did lose a few grams, I figure that is because he is getting alot more time out of his cage to exercise. He seems very happy & healthy.

Here are a few pictures from our first week together. Biscotti_9_4_09.jpg


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He is a beautiful baby Grey!!


He will learn his landings with a little more practice. It's good that you are having him target your arm and he is hitting it. :-)


Losing a little weight is normal, especially when they are fledging as he is. They intentionally reduce how much they eat to make flight easier.


It sounds like all is going well. Thanks for the update and photos. :-)

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Dan is right about the weight loss. Schroeder was 361g when I brought him home (a fat little baby timmy) and he lost about 20g at first. After his wingg grew out and he was actually flying around and excercising, he dropped down to a very muscular 325g. The vet said he is healthy and buff. I havee seen congos lose as much as 65g from ween to flying weight.

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What a sweet little thing!! After you gave him his bath, you put him in a towel...did he mind that at all? If not, that's very good!! I don't know if you've taken him to the vet yet, but they have to towel them to examine them...my bird goes bonkers when they do that. If your bird is used to it and doesn't mind it, vet visits won't be so traumatic. Very cool!! :)

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This is very true about the weight loss Adaya scared the living daylights out of me I rushed her to the vet she lost so much weight she was 509 grams and she went right down to 430 grams which is what she weighs all the time now but she lost it steadily for the first week after learning to fly I thought she had to be sick but the vet said she's a healthy baby. I guess she was right because Adaya is 6months old now and still fliying all over the house trying to cause trouble where ever she goes. I love her so much she is such a pain in the butt some times she's the sweetest cuddliest pain I've ever met though I'm so glad your having such a good time with your baby I love the pics keep the updates and pictures comeing

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SchroedersJen wrote:

I have seen congos lose as much as 65g from ween to flying weight.


Boy, you got that right.


Dayo went from 527 the day we brought him home down to 433 over a period of about a month.


Over the last year and a half, he has continually gained weight and has leveled off at 480 +- 10 grams, with weight taken after the first morning Poo Bomb.

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Thank you all for the replys! I was getting concerned about the weight, because he is continuing to loss a little. It makes perfect sense that they will lose while fleding though, I know he is so exited & amped when he has flown his little heart is thumping 90 miles an hour! They must expend alot of energy!

HeatherStrella, he does not mind the towel at all! In fact he likes to be cuddled in it! He is such a sweet baby, his breeder did a great job!

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