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Sephora has arrived!


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Hi Everyone!


Our newest addition, Sephora, arrived yesterday. She's 16 weeks old and very sweet. She just getting used to being here so we are taking it slowly and getting to know each other.


She is a great climber and is very agile- I have kept her fully flighted and i think it helps a ton with her stability, as well as confidence.It had me a little worried with her having a big cage but she's taking to it well.


She just starting to learn step ups and seems to be a happy girl:)


Here are some pics to enjoy- I've been making tons o birdie mash for her and some comfort foods like sweet potato. (hopefully I can get the pics on this time!:)







Post edited by: glitterysparkle, at: 2009/09/06 19:29<br><br>Post edited by: glitterysparkle, at: 2009/09/06 19:35

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Thanks everyone! I thought the name Sephora was very fitting as it means "beautiful bird".She seems to be settling in very well as day 2 here was spent better navigating the living room and places to land....we have also introduced her to our Husky, Thor, and they are getting along pretty well.


Casey, our breeder(Canopy Creatures) did a wonderful job with her as she is very sweet. She is well socialized and happy.I even got some cuddle muffin loving today!


Now, if I can train her to not aim at landing on my head, we'd be good:P

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